The petition of Purnal Johnson was read and ordered to lie on
the table.
Mr. Dallam appeared in the house.
On reading a second time the petition of Philemon Downes, late
sheriff of Queen Anne's county, and considering the same, Resolv-
ed, That the case therein stated is provided for in the resolutions
of the convention held the twenty-sixth of July last, and that the
committee for licensing suits in Queen Anne's county ought to
grant licenses to sue or warrant as the case may require, under the
limitations expressed in the said resolves of July.
The memorial of Francis Buker of Talbot county was read a
second time and considered, and thereupon, Resolved, That the
same be rejected.
On considering the represention from the committee of Talbot
county of the case of Alexander Wickhatn, Resolved, That he be
disc arged, being a, person too insignificant anil contemptible for the
further notice of this convention.
On motion, Resolved, That in all cases in which the council of
safety, or any committee of observation within this province, shall
be in want of a witness or witnesses in any fact properly depending
before them, that they issue subpoena requiring the attendance of
the said witness or witnesses, at a time and place by the said
council or committee to be appointed; and in case of disobe-
dience, that they issue attachment of contempt, directed to some
captain of the militia, requiring him to take the body of the wit-
ness or witnesses disobeying as aforesaid, and he or they being
before the said council or committee, to answer the contempt, and
may fine the said witness or witnesses not exceeding the sum of
five pounds current money. And if it shall happen that any wit-
ness shall refuse to declare on oath the truth of his or her know-
ledge touching the fact under the consideration of such council or
committee, that they have full power and authority to commit such
witness to the custody of some captain of militia within the county
where such witness resides, and by him to be safely kept until such
witness shall comply as aforesaid. Provided always, that this re-
solution shall not be understood to compel witnesses to give evi-
dence in cases in which they are interested, and they declare the
same on oath when required.
Resolved, That the expenses arising on such attachment or
commitment, be defrayed out of the property of the person attach-
ed or committed.
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.