A petition from George French, sheriff, and Joshu Tesstil, one
of the deputy sheriffs of Frederick county; petition from Abra-
ham Linganfelter, David Alspaugh, and Henry Barnes, languishing
debtors in Frederick county jail; and a petition from Philemon
Downes, late sheriff of Queen Anne's county, were severally read
and ordered to He on the table.
Ordered, That all petitions relative to proceedings of commit-
tees of observation against non-enrollers he referred to the com-
mittee appointed to examine into the facts set forth in the petition
of William Faris.
Mr. Allein and Mr. Plater have leave of absence till Monday next.
On reading a second time the proceedings of the committee of
observation for Prince George's county of the 6th instant, relative
to the reverend Mr. John Eversfield and Mr. Ralph Furster, Resolv-
ed, that the resolutions of the last session of convention suffi-
ciently provide for the case stated in the said proceedings of the
Mr. Reider has leave of absence.
On reading a second time the petition of Robert Wood of Fred-
erick county, Resolved, that a committee be appointed to consider
of the same and report their opinion thereon; and Mr. Gilpin,
Mr. Beatty, and Mr. J. T. Chase, were elected by ballot a com-
mittee for that purpose.
On motion, Resolved, That this convention will on Monday
next resolve into a committee of the whole, to take into consider-
ation the late intercepted letters to governer Eden, the proceed-
ings of the continental congress, and of the council of safety of
this province thereupon.
Mr. Ringgold and Mr. Nicholson have leave of absence till
Monday next.
Convention adjourns till Monday morning, 9 o'clock,
MONDAY, May 13, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on Saturday except
Mr. Reider, Mr. Nicholson, and Mr. Allein. The proceedings of
Saturday werd read.
The proceedings of the committee of observation for Calvert
county, on the complaint of Joseph Wilkinson against James
Weems, were read and ordered to lie on the table.
On motion, Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine
and adjust the several claims on the treasury; and Mr. Earle, Mr.
Contee, Mr. Tolley, Mr. Hooe, and Mr. Chamberlane, were elected
by ballot a committee for that purpose.