Samuel Smith, of colonel Smallwood's battalion, bearing date the
14th day of April last, a copy of which, attested by the clerk of
the council of safety, your committee refer to.
"Secondly, That the said said Samuel Purviance being, at the
time of his writing the said letter, and giving the said instructions,
chairman of the committee of Baltimore county, did write the said
letter and give the said instructions under color of his said office
of chairman, and as if at the request of the said committee; where-
as the said committee were not consulted thereon, nor made ac-
quainted therewith, as appears by the said letter atid instructions,
and by the proceedings of the said committee, attested copies where-
of among the said papers are referred to.
"Thirdly. That the said Samuel Purviance, by writing and speak-
ing, and particularly by a letter by him written to the president
of the congress some time about the middle of April last, hath un-
justly represented the convention and council of safety, as irreso-
lute and afraid to execute the trusts reposed in them, and endea-
vored to draw a suspicion upon them of a want of spirit and zeal
in the execution of their duty.
"All which is humbly submitted to the consideration of the hon-
orable convention.
By order, R. RIDGELY, clk. com."
On considerataion whereof, Resolved, That Thursday next be
appointed for the appearance of Samuel Purviance, jr., to answer
the charge exhibited against him; but if it should appear by affida-
vit that Mr. John Smith (whose testimony Mr. Purviance alleges
is material to him) cannot be had here on that day, then the con-
vention do order, that Mr. Purviance shall appear as aforesaid on
the Saturday following at 9 o'clock.
Mr. Mackall and Mr. Buchanan appeared in the house.
On reading a second time the petition of James Hutchings of
Queen Anne's county, against the conduct of Samuel Purviance,
jr., Resolved, That the same be taken into consideration on Thurs-
day next.
The proposals of Henry Hollingsworth being read a second time,
Resolved, That a committee be appointed to consider of the same,
and report their opinion thereon; and Mr. Gilpin, Mr. Ringgold and
Mr. Rumsey, were elected by ballot a committee for that purpose.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
SATURDAY, May 11, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read.