firm basis of constitutional freedom; so has it a confidence in the
wisdom and prudence of the said delegates, that they will not pro-
ceed to the last extremity, unless in their judgments they shall be
convinced that such measure is indispensably necessary for the
safety and preservation of our liberties and privileges. That in
the present state of public affairs, this convention is sensible, that
measures to be adopted by the continental congress, must depend
much upon events which may happen to arise; and relying firmly
upon the wisdom and integrity of their delegates, this province
will, as far as is in their power, carry into execution such measures
as shall be agreed on and recommended by the general congress.
Resolved, That it be recommended, that the sum of £600 be rais-
ed in the different counties of this province by subscription, under
the direction of the several committees, in the following propor-
In St. Mary's county £36, Charles 48, Calvert 22, Prince George's
50, Anne Arundel 52, Frederick 80, Baltimore 56, Harford 28,
Worcester 32, Somerset 32, Dorchester 29, Caroline 21, Talbot 24,
Queen Anne's 32, Kent 34, Cecil 21.
And that the several sums to be raised on the western shore be
paid to Mr. Charles Wallace of the city of Annapolis, and the seve-
ral sums to be raised on the eastern shore be paid to Mr. Thomas
Ringgold of Chestertown, to defray the expenses of the delegates
at the ensuing continental congress.
Resolved, That it is recommended to all ranks and denomina-
tions of people, to use their utmost endeavors to preserve peace
and good order throughout this province.
This convention, deeply considering the distressed and perplex-
ed situation of British America, the weakness of all human coun-
sels, and that the hearts of all men are in the disposal of the Su-
preme Being, do recommend, that the eleventh day of this instant
may be observed throughout this province, as a day of fasting and
humiliation, and that the inhabitants of this province, on that day,
in an especial manner, by prayer and supplications, humbly and
devoutly implore the blessing, support and protection of Almighty
God, for the preservation of the rights and liberties of America,
and the restoration of peace, union and happiness to the British
This convention, taking into consideration, that the time pro-
posed for the meeting of the next continental congress is near at
hand, and that it is highly expedient, that the delegates of this pro-
vince should attend the said congress as early in their session as
may be, where the state of the city and colony of New York, as