Annapolis, Saturday, April 29, 1775, 5 o'clock, afternoon.
The extract of the letter from New-York, communicating the
very interesting and important intelligence, "That a number of
troops were ordered for that city, which was to be the place of arms,
and fortified; that all communication between that city and that
southern and eastern provinces was to be cut off; that the people
of that colony were concerting means to prevent such schemes,
were embodying themselves, and desired the immediate assistance
of the southward colonies before the arrival of the troops, " was
this morning, about 10 o'clock, received, and immediately laid be-
fore the provincial convention now sitting: The convention are
deeply concerned for New-York, and request to be acquainted
with the authenticity of that account, and the particulars thereof,
and that you will advise them what conduct it is expected will be
held by New-York, your province, and the Jerseys, on the very
interesting and trying occasion.
By order of the convention,
MAT. TILGHMAN, chairman of the convention.
Resolved unanimously, That all exhortations from this province
to Quebec, Nova-Scotia, Georgia, and Newfoundland, or any part
of the fishing coasts, or fishing islands, and to the town of Boston,
ought immediately to be suspended until the continental congress
shall give further orders therein.
Resolved, That it is earnestly recommended to the inhabitants of
this province, to continue the regulation of the militia, as recom-
mended by the last provincial convention, and that particular at-
tention be paid to forming and exercising the militia throughout
this province, and that the subscriptions for the purpose by the
said convention recommended be forthwith completed and applied.
Resolved, That it is the sense of this convention, that the hon-
ourable Matthew Tilghman, Esq., Thomas Johnson, jr., Robert
Goldsborough, Samuel Chase, William Paca, John Hall, and Tho-
mas Stone, Esquires, the delegates of our province, or any three
or more of them, do join with the delegates of the other colonies
and provinces, at such time and place as shall be agreed on, and
in conjunction with them, deliberate upon the present distressed
and alarming state of the British colonies in North America, and
concur with them in such measures as shall be thought necessary
for the defence and protection thereof, and most conducive to the
public welfare. And as this convention has nothing so much at
heart as a happy reconciliation of the differences between the mo-
ther country and the British colonies in North America, upon a