the circumstances of the other colonies and provinces, may behest
known, and measures for the security of the city and colony of New
York, as well as the safety of all British America, be best concerted
and provided for. And whereas it is now altogether uncertain when
an answer may be received to the letter sent on Saturday last to the
committee of correspondence in the city of Philadelphia, and it be-
ing necessary that the members of this convention should return to
their respective counties, it is therefore, Resolved, That this con-
vention do now rise. —And it is recommended to such of the coun-
ties in this province, where it may be necessary, forthwith to make
choice of deputies to represent them in a provincial convention,
to be held in the city of Annapolis, on Monday the 22d of May,
unless an earlier or later day should be appointed by the delegates
of this province, or any three of them, appointed to attend the
continental congress.
The following were received by return of the express sent by the
provincial convention to the committee of correspondence for
Philadelphia, May 1, 1775.
We have duly received your favor of the 29th ult. As the ac-
counts from New York, were not handed to this committee through
a channel that gave us the satisfaction we could wish; and as they
were very important, we thought proper immediately to despatch
some of our members to that place, in order that they might, on
the spot, learn the true situation of affairs there, and what the in-
habitants of New York expect from the southern colonies. On
their return, or on the receipt of any certain intelligence, we shall
immediately communicate the particulars to you.
In mean time we have to inform you, that, upon the receipt of the
late intelligence, this city and county immediately took the alarm,
and are forming with all possible expedition; and by accounts from
other counties in this province, the same spirit prevails every where;
and we hope, in a short time, we shall be in a condition to unite
our efforts with the rest of the colonies.
Inclosed we send you a letter from Newport, Rhode Island, which
contains a particular account of the situation of affairs to the east-
ward, together with some important intelligence.
By order of the committee,
JOHN NIXON, chairman.
To MATTHEW TILGHMAN, Esq. chairman of the provincial con-
vention of the province of Maryland, now sitting at Annapolis.