At a meeting of the DEPUTIES appointed by the several counties of
the province of MARYLAND, at the city of Annapolis, on Mon-
day the 24th of April, 1775, and continued by adjournment
from day to day, till the third of May, were present,
The hon. MATTHEW TILGHMAN, Esq. in the Chair.
GABRIEL DUVALL, appointed Clerk.
Resolved unanimously, That his Majesty King George the third
is lawful and rightful King of Great Britain, and that the domin-
ions thereunto belonging, and that the good people of this pro-
vince do owe, and will bear faith and true allegiance to our said
lawful and rightful King, as the sovereign, constitutional guardian,
and protector, of the rights of all his subjects.
On motion, That a committee be appointed to prepare a draft
of a letter to the committee of correspondence for Philadelphia,
acquainting them that this convention had received from gentle-
men of their committee, an Extract of a letter from New York,
communicating the very interesting and important intelligence,
that a number of troops were ordered for that city, which was to
be the place of arms, and fortified; that all communication be-
tween that city and the southern and eastern provinces was to be
cut off; that the people of that colony were concerting means
to prevent such scheme, were embodying themselves, and desired
the immediate assistance of the southward colonies, before the ar-
rival of the troops; that this convention were greatly alarmed and
deeply concerned for that colony, and therefore desired to be ac-
quainted with the authenticity of that account, and the particulars
thereof; and that the committee of Philadelphia would give this
convention as full and particular accounts of the state of the col-
ony of New York, and of their own province, as they possibly can;
what conduct, it is expected, will be adopted by their colony, and
of all other matters which they may think of consequence to the
general welfare of America. The previous question was moved
for and put, whether the above question be now put? And resolv-
in the affirmative.
The above question was then put, and resolved in the affirmative.
The following letter was accordingly sent to the committee for
the city and liberties of Philadelphia: