such manner and so long as their occasions may require; and that
it is the duty of the committees of each county to collect and trans-
mit the same as soon as possible.
Resolved unanimously, That the honourable Matthew Tilghman
and John Hall, Samuel Chase, Thomas Johnson, jun., Charles Car-
roll of Carrollton, Charles Carroll, barrister, and William Paca,
Esquires, or any three or more of them, be a committee of corres-
pondence for this province.
Resolved unanimously, That the honourable Matthew Tilghman,
and Thomas Johnson, jun., Robert Goldsborough, William Paca,
Samuel Chase, John Hall and Thomas Stone, Esquires, or any three
or more of them, be delegates to represent this province in the
next continental congress, and that they, or any three or more of
them, have full and ample power to consent and agree to all mea-
sures which such congress shall deem necessary and effectual to
obtain a redress of American grievances; and this province bind
themselves to execute, to the utmost of their power, all resolutions
which the said congress may adopt: And further, if the said con-
gress shall think necessary to adjourn, we do authorise our said
delegates to represent and act for this province, in any one con-
gress to be held by virtue of such adjournment.
Resolved unanimously, That it is recommended to the several
colonies and provinces, to enter into such or the like resolutions
for mutual defence and protection, as are entered into by this pro-
As our opposition to the settled plan of the British administra-
tion to enslave America, will be strengthened by an union of all
ranks of men in this province, we do most earnestly recommend,
that all former differences about religion or politics, and all private
animosities and quarrels of every kind, from henceforth cease and be
forever buried in oblivion; and we intreat, we conjure every man,
by his duty to God, his country, and his posterity, cordially to unite
in defence of our common rights and liberties.
Ordered, That copies of these resolutions be transmitted by the
committee of correspondence for this province, to the committees
of correspondence for the several colonies, and be also published
in the Maryland Gazette.
By order,