habitants of this province as are from sixteen to fifty years of age,
to form themselves into companies of sixty-eight men; to choose a
captain, two lieutenants, an ensign, four sergeants, four corporals
and one drummer, for each company; and use their utmost en-
deavors to make themselves masters of the military exercise:
That each man be provided with a good firelock and bayonet fix-
ed thereon, half a pound of powder, two pounds of lead, and a
cartouch-box, or powder-horn, and a bag for ball, and be in readi-
ness to act on any emergency.
Resolved unanimously, That it is recommended to the commit-
tees of each county to raise by subscription, or in such other vol-
untary manner as they may think proper, and will be most agreea-
ble to their respective counties, such sums of money as, with any
monies already raised, will amount to the following sums in the
respective counties, to wit:
In St. Mary's county, - £600 In Worcester, - - 533
Charles, - - - 800 Somerset, - - - 533
Calvert, - - - 366 Dorchester, - - 480
Prince-George's, - - 833 Caroline,... 358
Anne-Arundel, - - 866 Talbot, - - - 400
Frederick, - 1333 Queen-Anne's, - - 533
Baltimore, - - - 933 Kent,... 566
Harford, - - - 406 Cecil, - - - - 400
£ 10, 000
And that the committees of the respective counties lay out the
same in the purchase of arms and ammunition for the use of such
county, to be secured and kept in proper and convenient places,
under the direction of the said committees.
Resolved unanimously, That it will be necessary that a provincial
meeting of deputies, chosen by the several counties of this pro-
vince, should be held in the city of Annapolis, on Monday the 24th
day of April next, unless American grievances be redressed before
that time; and therefore we recommend that the several counties
of this province choose deputies, as soon as conveniently may be,
to attend such meeting: And the committee of correspondence
for this province are empowered to call a meeting of the said de-
puties, before the said 24th day of April, if they shall esteem it ne-
Resolved unanimously, That contributions from the several coun-
ties of this province, for supplying the necessities and alleviating
the distress of our brethren at Boston, ought to be continued in