parcell of Land Called Wattson lying in Talbott County afd on the West
[114] Side of a Cove Called Cuthberts Cove beginning att a Marked Oak and
running from the Said Oak North East and by North to an other Marked
Oak Seaventy five perches and with a Line Drawn from the Said Oak north
West and by West three hundred and Twenty perches and with a Line
Drawn from the End of the North West and by West Line South West and
by South Seaventy five Perches to the Land of Cuthbert Phelps and with the
Land to the first Marked Oak Conteining one hundred and fifty Acres of
Land with the Appurtenances in the Said County of Talbott. To have and to
hold the Said Tract of Land and premisses with the Appurtenances to the
Said William Harris and his Assignes from the Last day of febry Last past
before the Date hereof untill the End and terme of three Years then next
Ensuing and fully to be Compleat and Ended, by Virtue of which Demise
the Said William into the Said demised premisses with the Appurtenances
Entred and was thereof possessed, and the Said William being thereof So
possessed the Said Robert Grundy Afterwards to witt) the ioth day of Aprill
afa in the Year afa with force and Arms etc. into the premisses aforesaid in
and upon the possession of the Said William Did Enter and him the Said Wil-
liam from his farme afd for the terms afd not yett Ended did Eject Expell and
Amove and the Said William from his possession afd did withhold and other
harms to him Did agt the peace etc. and to the Damage of the Said William
ten Thousand pounds of Tobba and thereupon he brings this Suite.
, _ , , f Tno Doe
Jones etc. Quer pleg de proseq J , a
„ „ v Richd Roe
I Understand You are in Possession of the above mentioned premisses
and this Action is brought agt me as Casuall Ejector if you have any Title
to the Same you may Make Your Defence thereto the Next Provll Court to
be [115] held for this Province the first Tuesday in October next Ensuing
the Date thereof otherwise I who have no title to the Same Shall Suffer Judg-
ment to pass by Default YQI. friend
William Harris
June the ioth 1693.
To Richard Clark Tennant of the Above premisses.
And the Said Robert Grundy by Robert Gouldsborrough his Attorney
Corns and Defends the force and Injury when etc. and prays Liberty to Im-
parle hereunto untill the next Provinciall Court and it is Granted unto him
the Same day is given to the Plaintiffe also.
And the Said John Rhodes by his Attorney afd prayed That a Speciall
Warrant of Resurvey might issue returnable to the next Provinciall Court
for the resurveying and running out of the Line or Lines of Cuthbert Phelps
by which the Bound and Lines of the Said Rhodes his Land might be made
known and it was Granted unto him