be reversed for all Errors and Imperfections in the Judgment and Proceed-
ings afa The Said Thomas Tench prays the Same may be Sett aside and that
he to what he hath lost thereby may be restored.
Wm Dent.
The whole proceedings afd being read, and fully Understood by his Said
Excy and the Honble Councill the Demurrer of the Said Thomas Tench was
thought Good by his Excy and the Major part of the Gent of the Councill.
Whereupon it is Considered by this Board here (to witt) the 4th day of No-
vember 1698 that the Judgmt of the Provll Court as afd given agt the Said
Thomas Tench be reversed Sett aside and of noe Effect for the reasons afd
as Vitious and Erroneous.
Robert Grundy v John Rhoads
MARYLAND ss William the third by the Grace of God of England Scott-
land France and Ireland King Defender of the faith etc. to his Excy Francis
Nicholson Esqr Capt Genll and Govr in Chief in and over our Province and
Territory of Maryland and others of his Matys Councill Now Sitting know
ye that in the Records of the Provinciall Court Amongst other things it is
thus Conteined.
[113] Att a Frovlnciall Court held att the City of St Marys the first Tuesday
in May Anno Dni 1694 and in the 6th Year of the reigne of our Sovereigne
Lord and Lady William and Mary King and Queen of England etc. before
his Matys Justices thereunto Authorized and Appointed Vizt:
The Honble Nicholas Greenbery Esqr president; John Addison; Thomas
Brooke, Esqrs Justices
MARYLAND ss. Robert Grundy of the aforesaid County planter was
Attatched to Answer unto William Harris in a plea wherefore with force and
Arms etc. into that Tract or parcell of Land Galled Wattson lying in Talbott
County on the West Side of a Cove Called Cuthberts Cove beginning att a
Marked Oak and running from the Said Oak North East and by North to
another Marked Oak Seaventy five perches and with a Line drawn from the
Said Oak North West and by West three hundred and Twenty perches and
with a line drawn from the End of the North West and by West line South
West by South Seaventy five perches to the Land of Cuthbert Phelps and with
the Land to the first Marked Oak Conteining one hundred and fifty Acres
more or less with the Appurtenances in Talbott County afd wch John Rhodes
to the Said William did Demise for a terme which is not yet Ended did Enter
and him the Said William from his farme aforesaid did Eject and other harms
to him did to the Great Damage of the Said William and Agt the peace.
And whereupon the Said William Harris by Gr: Jones his Attorney
Complains That the Said John Rhodes the ioth Day of Aprill Anno Dni 1693
att Talbott County afd did Demise to the Said William the Said Tract or