Garret Sennotts Cer: 150 in Cha: Coty Acres Called St Peters Dated i ith
Decr 1663 the patient thereon Granted said Sennott the 24th May 1664. Is
Marginted as above in Lib: A A fo: 528. Test J Lawson Regr
John Wards Certif: 150 Acres in Cha: Coty Called Pomphrett Dated
Sepr 2Qth 1666 the patent thereon Granted said Ward the 7th March 1667.
Is Marginted as above in Lib G G fol: 233. Test J Lawson Regr
And Now here this Day To Witt on the Second Tuesday of Aprill being
the Eleventh Day of the same month Anno Dom: Seventeen Hundred and
Twenty Seven Comes the said Thomas Nelson lessee of the said John Diggs
into his Lordships High Court of Appeals and Errors by Edmond Jnnings
[sic] his Attorney and Saith that in the Record an Process aforesaid As also in
Rendering the judgment aforest it is Manifestly Erred in this Vizt: That by
the Record aforesaid it Appears that the judgment rendered was rendered
for the Said Jno Beale against [796] The said John Diggs his Lessee aforesaid
Whereas by the Law of the Land the Judgment aforesd Ought to have been
Rendered for the Lessee of the said John Diggs against the said John Beale
and not for the said John Beale against the Lessee aforesaid. And the said
Edmond Jennings Prays his Lordships Writt to forewarn the said John Beale
to be before his Lordships Governour and Council at Annapolis to hear the
Record and Processs aforesd And it is Granted unto him Therefore Command
is given to the sherriff of Charles County that he Should Make known to the
said John Beale that He Should be and Appeare in the said High Court of
Appeals to be held at the City of Annapolis the Second tuesday of July then
Next to hear the Errors Assigned Upon the judgment aforest if to him it
should Seem Meet And the same Day is Given to the Lessee of the said Jno
Diggs Also. At Which said Second Tuesday of July Anno Dom: Seventeen
Hundred and twenty Seven Before his Lordships High Court or Appeals
aforesd at the City of Annapolis Aforesd Come as well the Said Thomas Nel-
son lessee of the said John Diggs by his attorney aforest As the afsd John
Beale by William Beckinghame his Attorney And the sherriff aforest Did not
Send the Writt And thereupon the said Thomas Nelson lessee aforest as be-
fore sayth That in the Record and Process aforesd as also in rendering the
judgment aforesd It is Manifestly Erred Alledging the Errors Aforest by him
the said Thomas Nelson in form aforest above alledged And Prays that the
judgment aforest for the Errors and others in the Record and Process aforesd
Being May be reversed Annulled And Altogether held for None and that he
to all things Which by Occasion of the judgment aforest hath lost may be
Restored And that the said John Beale to the Errors aforest Rejoyne And
that his said Lordships Court of Appeals and Errors here Will Proceed to
the Examination of As well the Record and Process aforest as of the Matters
aforest Above for Errors assigned And the said John Beale sayth that Neither
in the record and Process aforest Nor in the Matters therein Contained: Nor
in Rendring the judgment afsd it is in Anywise Erred And Likewise Prays