Hundd and fifty Acres more or Less to be held of Zachia Mannor We find that
the said land was afterwards Granted by the then Lord Proprietary in Due
form of Law to the said Walter Bayne which Grant is in the following Words
Caecilius etc. To all Persons to whom these presents shall Come Greeting in
our Lord God Everlasting Know Ye that we for and in Consideration that
Walter Bayne of our Province of Maryland Planter hath Due unto him Seven
Hundred and fifty Acres of Land within our said Province for Transporting
himself Helena his wife Judith his Daughter Thos Arshaber Maylock John
Grubb Mary Jones Jno Hesse Richard Bell Mary Anderton John Willkens
Thos Seagood Mary May William Ward and John Bond into the Said Prov-
ince to Inhabitt as Appears Upon record And Upon Such Conditions and
Terms as are Expressed in our Conditions of Plantations of our Said Province
of Maryland Under Our Greater Seale at Armes bearing Date at London the
Second Day of July in the Year of our Lord God one Thousand Six Hunda
forty nine with Such Alteration and Conditions as in them is made by our
Declaration bearing Date the two and twentieth Day of Sepr Anno Dom: one
thousand Six Hundd fifty and Eight and remaining upon record in the said
Province of Maryland Do hereby Grant unto him the said Walter Bayne a
parcell of Land Called Durham in Cha" County lying in the woods on the
East Side of the Main Run of Portobacco Creek beginning at a bounded
White Oak and Running Up the said Fresh for breadth the length of three
Hundred Seventy five Perches to a bounded Oak bounded on the north by
a line Drawn East from the said Oak for the Length of three Hundred and
twenty perches to a bounded oak on the East by a Line Drawn South from
the End of the said North Line the lenth of three Hundred Seventy and five
perches to a bounded oak that intersects a parrallell line Drawn west to the
first bounded oak on the South with the said Parallell on the west wth the said
Fresh Containing and now laid out for Seven Hundd and fifty Acres more or
Less Together wth all Rights profitts and benefitts thereunto belonging
(Royal Mines Excepted) To Have and to Hold the [789] Same unto him
the said Walter Bayne his Heirs and Assigns for Ever to be Holden of Us
and Our Heirs As of our Mannr Zachaia in free and Common Socage by
Fealty only for all manner of Services Yeilding and Paying therefore Yearly
Unto Us or Our Heirs at Receipt at St Mary's at the two most Usual feast
in the Year Vizt: at the feast of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary
and at the feast of St Michael the Arch Angell by Even and Equal Portion
the Rent of fifteen Shillings Sterling in Silver or Gold and for a fine Upon
Every Alienation of the said Land or any part or parcell thereof one whole
Yeares rent in Silver or Gold of the full Value thereof in Such Commodities
as we or our Heirs or Such officer or officers Appointed by Us or our Heirs
Come to Collect and receive the same shall Accept In Discharge thereof at
the Choice of Us or our Heirs or Such officer or officers as afsd Provided that
if the said Walter Beane his heirs or Assigns Shall not pay unto Us or our