Heirs or Such officer or officers afsd the said Sum for a fine before Such aliena-
tion and Enter the Said Alienation Upon Record either in the Provinciall
Court or in the County Court where the said Parcell of Land lyeth Within
one month next after Such Alienation the said Alienation shall be void and
of no Effect Given at St Maries Undr our Greater Seale of our said province
of Maryland the Seventh Day of Sepr in the five and thirtieth Year of our
Dominion in our said Province of Maryland Annoque Dom: 1666 Wittness
our Dear son Charles Calvert Esqr Our Lieuten1 GenH of our said Province
of Maryland. By virtue of which Grant the said Walter Bayne was Seized
of the said Land in fee and being So thereof Seized by his Last will and testa-
ment in writing Duly Executed and proved Dated the 12th Day of April 1670
Gave and Devised the said Land unto his Daughter Elianor and her Heirs
and Assigns for Ever and shortly after Died We find that the said Elianor by
virtue of the Devisee afsd was Seized of the said Land We find that after the
Death of the said Walter Vizt: the tenth Day of February Anno Dom: 1673
the said Elianor then being a Minor of the Age of Six Years a Scire facias
issued out of the Chancery Court the Entry whereof and the poceedings
thereon are Recorded in the Records of the said Court in the words following
Command was given to the sherriff of Charles County That Whereas we Did
by our Letters patents under our great seal of our Said Province of Maryland
bearing Date the 7th Day of September [790] In the Year of our Lord 1666
for the Consideration therein named Grant Unto Walter Beane of our said
Province Gent a parcell of Land Called Durham lying in the woods on the
East side of the main fresh Runn of Portobacco Creek Containing and then
laid out for 750 Acres more or Less as by the said Grant remaining upon
record relation being thereunto had more fully and more Large it Doth and
may appear Now for that we had Long before that Time reserved for our
Own Use a Parcell of Land Called Panguaya Mannour of Wch the sd parcell
of Land is part And the said Walter Beane being Sensible thereof fraudu-
lently procured our Grant afsd to the Disinherison of Us and our Heirs of
the premisses And the Walter Beane being Since Deceased We do Command
You that by good and Lawfull men of Your Bailywick You make known and
give warning to the Heirs of the said Walter Beane or any assigns that Claim-
eth the Same Undr him that they be before Us in our Court of Chancery the
tenth of February next Wheresoever We shall then be to Shew Cause if any
they have Wherefore the Sd Letters Patent of the afsd Land as afsd Made
Ought not to be revoked and Annulled and the Same into Our hands be
seised and to Do and receive what our sd Court shall do or grant to be done
in this behalf And how You shall Execute this precept that you shall make
known to our said Court at the Day afsd and have You there this writt. At
wch Day that is to Say the tenth Day of February in the 42* Year of the Do-
minion of Caecilius etc. Annoque Dom: 1673 John Allen Gen* High Sherr:
of Cha: Co: returns the Said writt Endorsed as followeth Vizt: -by virtue of
this writt I have by John Grubb and Clement Thompson good and Honest