and Benefitts thereunto belonging Royal mines Excepted To Have and To
Hold the same unto her the said Elianor Beane her Heirs and Assigns for
Ever To be Holden [786] of Us and our Heirs as of our mannor of Pan-
guayah in fee and Common Socage by fealty only for all manner of Services
Yeilding and Paying therefore Yearly Unto Us and Our Heirs at our receipte
at our City of Si Maries at the two Most Usual feasts in the Year Vizt: at the
feast of the Anunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary and at the feast of St
Michael the Arch angell by Even and Equal Portion the rent of Sixteen Shill-
ings Sterling in silver or Gold And for a fine Upon Every Alienation of the
sd Land or any part or parcell thereof one whole Years Rent in Silver or Gold
or the full vallue thereof in Such Commodities as we or our Heirs or Such
officer or Officers appointed by Us or our Heirs from time to time to Collect
and receive the Same shall accept in Discharge thereof at the Choyce of Us
and our Heirs or such officer or officers as aforesd Provided that if the said
Elianor Beane her Heirs or assigns shall not Pay unto Us and Our Heirs or
such officer or officers as aforesaid the said Sum for a fine before Such aliena-
tion and Enter the said Alienation Upon record Either in the Provinciall
Court or in the County Court where the said Parcell of Land lyeth within
One month next after Such Alienation, the said Alienation shall be void and
of no Effect Given at our City of St Maries Undr Our hand and the Great Seale
of our Said Province of Maryland the fifth Day of June in the first Year of
our Dominion Over our Said Province Anno Dom: One Thousand Six
Hundred Seventy Six.
True Copy from Lib: W C : fo: 175.
Per Jno Lawson Regr Land office.
We find by the testimony of Fr: Goodrick that he was an inhabitant at
Port Tobacco Sixty Year Since And that in Six or twelve Months after he
knew Several that intended to take Up Land about Panguia But were Di-
verted it having been Generally reported that there was a Mannr there and
thereabouts reserved for the then Lord Prorietarys Use Especially by the then
Surveyor who had then Warrt for fifteen Hundred Acres of Land And Laid
in another Part And that the Now Defendt Holds the Land in Dispute then
Called Panguia Town as aforesd We of the jury find that by the Several Con-
ditions of Plantations Published at Severall times by the Right H onDle Cae-
cilius late Lord Proprietary of Maryland Containing Encouragement to the
Subjects of England to Come into the Province of Maryland to Inhabitt And
the Terms Upon wch persons Coming into the said Province Might have land
therein. We find that Walter Bayne late of Charles County Deced Was an
English subject and after the Publication of the said Conditions of Planta-
tions Come into the province of Maryland and brought Severall other English
Subjects [787] With him into the said Province in the Year of our Lord Six-
teen Hundred and Sixty three And that he the Said Walter had Complyed
with the Terms and Conditions So Published Whereby he was Intitled to