of assembly In May last We have thought fitt to Dissent to the Act Intitled
an Act for relief John Beale of Charles County Genl Richard Beale a Minor
and Do hereby Declare the same Null Void and of No Effect Forasmuch as
the Legislature of Great Brittain Never interferes to Dispose of Property
wthout Consent of all parties Leaving Every Mans Right to be Ruled by the
known Laws of the Land We find that the Lessor of the Plantiff and those
undr whom he Claims as aforesd Continued seized of the Land in Dispute
from the [785] Years 1673 to the Year 1719 att woh time the Lessor of the
Plantiff was Put out of Possession of the Lands in Dispute by virtue of the
said Bill So passed as afsd and the Lessor of the Plantiff hath remained out
of possession Ever since 1719.
That Certain persons named John Cane and Garrett Sennot Claiming
Lands Surveyed nth Sepr and nth December 1663 and Patented in 1664
Surrendred their Patents Up to be Cancelled as Appeares by the Certificate
hereunto Annexed. We find that there is a place in Charles County near
the Lands in Dispute that hath been Called Zachia Swamp Near which the
Indians had a Fort Called Zachia Fort We find that the Stadt House wherein
the Land Records were and Still are kept was burnt in 1704 and that a book
Marked Lib: L of Records in the Years 56 and 57 was at that time Destroyed
or Lost We find the following Patent bearing Date 5th Day of June 1676.
Vizt: Charles etc: To all persons etc: Whereas our late father Caecilius of
noble memory Did by his Letters Patent Under the Great Seale of our said
Province of Maryland Bearing Date the Seventh Day of Sepr in the five and
thirtieth Year of his Dominion over our said Province anno Dom: 1666 for
the Considerations therein Mentioned Grant to Walter Beane late of Charles
County in Our said Province of Maryland Deceased a parcell of Land Called
Durham lying in Charles County afsd in the Woods on the East Side of the
Main Runn of Portobacco Creek for Seven hundred and fifty Acres Which
said Grant Helena the relict of the said Walter Beane Deceased hath Sur-
rendred Up into our Secretaries office of our said Province of Maryland to
be vacated Upon Record and whereas Elianor Beane Daughter of the Said
Walter Beane hath requested Us to Grant unto her Warrant to survey four
hundred Acres of Land in Any Part of Our mannor of Panguah Wee Do
hereby grant unto her the said Eleanor Beane all that Parcell of Land Called
Durham lying in Charles County afsd and in our Mannor of Panguayah on
the West Side of Portobacco Fresh Biginning at a bastard black Oak Standing
near an Indian Path which goes from Portobacco to a Conseck1 running
thence North Two Hundred and forty Perches to a bounded Spanish Oak
on a Plaine thence East two Hundred Sixty Seven Perches to a bounded
Spanish Oak thence South two hundred and forty perches to a bastard black
Oak thence untill it Comes to the first bound Tree Containing and Now Laid
out for four Hundred Acres More or less together With all Rights Profitts
i The original warrant record has " a Conseck," — a place name.