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Proceedings of the Maryland Court of Appeals, 1695-1729
Volume 77, Page 575   View pdf image (33K)
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Adams would then resolve him whether he would have it or not for if he
would not buy it he would Sell it to Some body else upon wch Mr Adams told
him he would be better humoured when Mr Caldwell and he Met then he
Again in a great passion Swore Caldwell Should never have it then Mr Adams
told him he would meet him on a Certain Day wcn this Dept can't well remem-
ber and if Mr Caldwell and he did not agree he would buy the Land

Jno Handy Levin Gale

Joseph Macclester Esqr of Stepney Parish in Somersett County Sworne
and Examined on part of the Deft Saith as follows Vizt.

That Wm Brewerton and his Wife Executed the Deed mentioned in
this Depts Deposition for Complt as freely and Willingly Seemingly as ever
this Dept Saw any person Execute One.

John Handy Levin Gale

Mary Maccleane of Stepney Parish in Somersett County Sworn and Ex-
amined on the part of the Deft Saith as follows Vizt.

Mr Adams did [sic] bring Wm Brewerton to their house nor Speake to
them to Entertain him Wm Brewerton did Come and ask this Dept for the key
of the Room Door and this Dept give it him and he went in this Dept Asked
the reason of his Coming there and he Said for fear of the Sherriff on whose
Ace' this Dept knows not Mr Adams gave the Dept a paper woh this Dept Laid
up till Mr Adams Called for it again then this Dept delivered the Same Mr
Saml Handy and Captll Joseph Macclester being there at the Same Time Wm
Brewerton with a paper in his hand Called Mr Adams into the room and
this Dept "heard Wm Brewerton Say to Mr Adams he was well Satisfied with
the paper Mr Adams answered he was glad of it and dont blame me here-
after but what it was this Dept knows not but Mr Adams told this Depont
that there was John Evans Alienation and Wm Brewertons alienation and bid
this Dept Lay em up this Dept and Donald Maccleane were together at the
Same Time

John Handy Levin Gale.

Donald Maccleane of Stepney Parish in Somersett County and Exam-
ined for the Deft Saith as follows Vizt

ist That after the Complt Commenced his Action at Law Agt the Deft
Brewerton the Sd Brewerton Came to the house of the Dept and Stayed there
to keep out of the way of the Sherriff as this Dept Apprehended but that the
Deft Adams did Neither bring the Said Brewerton to the Sa Depts house nor
desired the Dept to Entertain him.

2dly That the Deft Brewerton while he was at the Depts house was no
way Confined (but had the Key of the Room in his own Custody) nor did
the Sd Brewerton desire the Dept to Deny him if the Sherr Came and De-
manded whether he was there

3dly That while the Deft Brewerton Staid at the Depts the Deft Adams
Came to him and Left a paper to peruse (wcn the Dept took to be a Convey-


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Proceedings of the Maryland Court of Appeals, 1695-1729
Volume 77, Page 575   View pdf image (33K)
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