Robert Martin of Somersett County Sworn and Examined on the part
of the Complt Saith as follows Vizt
That in the year 1719 he this Dep* was Sherr of Somersett County and
that then the Complainant Obtained Execution by Elegit from the Provl
Court for about Thirteen Thousand Pounds of Tobo agt the Def Brewerton
and Directed to the Deponent and that when he went to Execut the Sd Writt
he went to the Deft Brewertons house and Desired his Wife to Shew him the
Sd Brewertons Goods but Could get None the Sd Dept further Saith that he
AfterwdB went to Lay out the Land mentioned in the return of the Said
Writt whereto the Sd Dept prays Leave to referr for Certainty as a part of
Brewertons Lands for the use of the Complainant to Satisfie the Sd Execution
and the DeP Came and Shewed the Dept a Deed for that Land and ordered
him not to proceed any further upon it but that the Said Depont did pro-
ceed to Execute the Sd Writt thereon and Summoned the Said Adams at
req1 of the Compll as Garnishee and further Saith not.
Jos. Pemberton, Levin Gale, Jno Handy
Depositions of Wittnesses taken at the house of Thomas Gillis in Somersett
County upon the 29* day of June 1724.
Willm Hayman of Somersett County Aged about 50 years Sworn and
Examined on the part of the Defts Saith as follows Vizt.
1 That he hath heard the Comple Say that he hath Lent the Defend*
Brewerton Tobo and Would either tak his Land or Tobo again but that he
hath often heard the Deft Brewerton Say that the Comp" had Lent him
Tobo till he knew he Could not pay him and then would have his Land upon
his own Terms
2 That the Deft Brewerton hath Severall times told the Deponant after
August Court 1719 that he had Conveyed to the Deft Adams Sixty Acres of
Land woh was to be Valued by Capt" John Jones and Jno Roache and What-
ever Value they put upon it the Sd Adams was to pay the Said Brewerton for
it The Depont further Saith that when the Said Brewerton was Arrested by
virtue of a writt Sued out by the Complt ret to August Court 1719 he Applied
himself to the Deft Adams to be bound for his Appearance etc. but the Sa
Adams refused and Brewerton was much enraged at it and further Saith not.
Jos. Pemberton Levin Gale
[765] Alexander Hall Late Clk of Somersett County aged about Sixty
Sworn and Examined on the part of the Defts Saith as follows
That while he was Clk of Somersett County Court he very Seldom men-
tioned upon the back of Deeds given him to Enrole the Time of his receiv-
ing them or indeed any thing more then the Day and year he entered them
upon the Record and the place where and further Saith not.
Jos. Pemberton Levin Gale.