Judith Raymond of Somersett County Sworn and Examined on the part
of the DeP Saith as follows.
1 That She heard the Complt Say when he got the Land Comm™ to
Ascertaine the Divisional Line between John Waltam and Cole1 Peter
Presley that if Brewerton was not willing to Lett him have his Land let him
pay the Tobo for he was Willing to Take either the Land or his money in any
reasonable Time
2 That She heard the Deft Adams Say when he Came from August
Court 1719 That the Deft Brewerton had Conveyed his Land to him to keep
him from being Damaged by being Special Bail for him in Two Actions at
the Complainants Suit
3 That She Beleives the Deft Adams was Unacquainted in the Neck
between Passan Dike and the Mill Wch Stands in the head of Wiacocomico
Creek till he came to Live in it and that it formerly was reckoned to be Two
Miles from the Horse Bridge over across the Neck to the first Run of Passan
Dike the Dep* further Saith That She hath heard Brewerton Quarrelled
with the Compll about a Bond Due to the Late Lord Baltemore wch was
Lodged in the Comp118 hands to Collect what was due upon itt from the Sd
4 That the Deft Adams about the Time of his Purchasing that of the
Def Brewertons Lands Came to her and told her that he had wth Brewerton
for his Consent to buy Waltoms Lease and that the St Brewerton had told
him he had rather he (the Said Adams) Should have than any Body else the
Dep* further Saith that She hath heard that the Deft Adams offered the
Christmas before he bought the Sd Brewertons Land) to give the Sd Brewer-
ton One hundred Pounds of Tobo Per Acre for the Rich Land joining to
Waltoms but that the Said Brewerton refused itt.
Jos. Pemberton Levin Gale
Jonathan Raymond of Somersett County Sworn and Examined on part
of the Deft Saith as follows.
1 That the first Deed wcn the Deft Brewerton made to the Def Adams
was Signed Sealed and Executed upon the End of a Chest in the Out ward
Room of Donald Maccleane.
2 That when the Land Com™ were about Laying out the Deft Brewer-
tons Lands he heard the Complt Say that he would give the Deft Brewerton
ten Thousand pounds of Tobo for two hundred Acres at the Head of the
Neck but that Brewerton was not present then.
3 That he beleives the Deft Adams would have paid the [766] Comp1*
the Severall Sumes of Tobo wcn the Deft Brewerton Owed the Sd Complt (the
fall following the Sd Adams buying a part of the Sd Brewertons Land) if the
Sd Comp1* had not Taken out Execution by Elegit upon the Sd Judgmt wch he
Obtained Ag* the Sd Brewerton That the Def Adams when he had Agreed
wth Brewerton for part of his Land blam'd him much that he did not Accept