of five hundred Perches to a Bounded Oak bounding on the with a Line
Drawn East from the Said Oake for the Length of Eighty Perches to a
Bounded Oak on the East with a Line Drawn South from the end of the
former Line the Length of five hundred perches to a Bounded Oak on the
South with a Line drawn West from the Said Oak to the first bounded Oak on
the South with the Said Line on the West with the Said North Line contain-
ing and Laid out for Two hundred and fifty According to the Said before
recited Patent Together with all and Singular the houses Orchards Gardens
pastures Woods Ways Profitts and Comodities and Appurtenances Whatso-
ever thereunto belonging or in any wise Appertaining To have and to hold
the Sd Land and all and Singular the before granted Premisses with the Ap-
purtenances unto the Said Daniel Bryon his Heirs Exrs AdmrB and Assignes
for ever To the proper use and behoof of the Said Daniel Bryon his Heirs
Ex™ Admrs and Assigns for Ever And the Said Pryor Smallwood Did for him-
self his Heirs Ex™ and Admrs Covenant and Agree to and with the Said
Daniel Bryon his heirs and Assignes That the Said Daniel Bryon his Heirs
and Assignes Should and might from time to Time and at all times There-
after quietly and peaceably have hold use Occupy possess and Enjoy all and
Singular the Lands and premisses before granted Bargained and Sold with
their Appurtenances unto the Said Daniel Bryon his Heirs and Assigns for
Ever without any manner of hindrance Molestation Eviction or Ejection of
the Said Pryor Smallwood his Heirs Exr" or Admrs and that the Said Land and
Premisses then were and for ever thereafter Should be and Continue freely
and Clearly Acquitted and Discharged of and from all and Every other Bar-
gain Sale gift Grant Lease Mortgage or Incumbrance Whatsoever had done
or Committed (the Said Proprietary Rents that Should thereafter become
Due only Excepted) And that the Said Pryor Smallwood at the Sealing of the
Said presents Stood firmly Seized in his Demesne of a fee Simple in the Land
and Premisses before granted and that he had full and absolute Power to Sell
and Assure the Same and the Said Pryor Smallwood did for himself his heirs
Ex™ and Admrs Covenant and Agree to and with the Said Daniel Bryon his
heirs and Assignes that the Said Pryor Smallwood his Heirs Exrs and Admrs
the before Granted Land and premisses bargained and Sold unto the Said
Daniel Bryon his Heirs and Assignes for Ever Agt the Said Pryor Smallwood
his Heirs Exrs and Admrs and Agt all and every other manner of person [734]
or Persons Whatsever Should and Would warrant and for Ever Defend by
these presents and further the Said Pryor Smallwood did for himself his
Heirs etc. Covenant and Agree to and with the Said Daniel Bryon his heirs
and Assigns to Make Seale and Convey at any Time within the Space of
Seven years Next Ensueing the Date thereof Such further assurance or As-
surances for the more Effectual Confirmation of the afd Land and premisses
as the Said Daniel Bryon his Heirs or Assignes or his or their Council Learned
in the Law Should require at his or their proper Costs and Charges only woh