having taken the Oaths to the Government and Oath of Attorney perscribed
by the Act of Assembly the Said Edmond Jennings prays that he may be
Understood in the Taking the Said of Attorney that his takeing the Said
Oath may not Prejudice any of the Right and Priviledges of the Honourable
Society of the Middle Temple of which he Alledges himself to be a member
and Which he has Sworn to Preserve and it is ordered to be entered
[WB] Charles Carroll v Tilers Lessee
Record on Appeale from the Provl Court. Dimunition Suggested by the
Appealants Attorney and order Writt Dimunition to issue to the Clk. Provl
Court return to Next Court
Follows the Instructions that was Ordered to be Recorded
[723] Additional Instructions to our Right Trusty and well Beloved Charles
Lord Baltemore of our Kingdom of Ireland Proprietor and
[Locus Sigilli] Governour of the Province of Maryland in America or to
George R the Governour Deputy Governour or Commander in Chief
of our Said Province for the Time being Given at my Court
at S* James the Twenty third day of March 1726/7 in the thirteenth year of
our Reign
Whereas upon Appeals Which have been made to us in our privy Coun-
cil in Cases of Error from the Courts in Severall of our Colonies and Planta-
tions in America in Civil Causes great Inconveniencies have frequently
Arisen by the Immediate Issueing of Executions Notwithstanding of Such
Appeale unto us Where the Appellee is become Insolvent or hath withdrawn
himself and his Effects from Such Colony or plantation before our pleasure
Could be known on Such Appeale and our orders for reversing the orders
and Decrees Appealed from and for making restitution of the Estates or
Effects which have been So Levied in Execution have been rendered in-
effectuall and the Appellant left without any redress Now for preventing the
Like Mischief for the future It is our will and pleasure that Execution be
Suspended Untill the final Determination of Such Appeale Unless good and
Sufficient Security be given by the Apellee to Make Ample Restitution of
all that the Appellent Shall have Lost by means of Such Judgment or De-
cree in Case upon the determination of Such Appeale. Such Decree or Judg-
ment Should be reverst and Restitution Awarded to the Appellant
G: R:
Follows his Lordships Instructions.
Additional order and Instruction Power and Authority to
[Locus Sigilli] be Observed and perused by our Dear Brother Benedict
C: Baltemore Leonard Calvert Esqr Governour etc. of our Province of
Maryland Given by us in London this 24th day of March
in the Eleventh year of our Dominion over the Said Province Annoque Dom