Whereas I have received from his Majesty An Additional Instruction
directed to me or to the Governour Deputy Governour or Commander in
Chief of our Said province of Maryland for the time being Dated at St James
the Twenty third day of March 1726/7 in the thirteenth year of his Majestys
Reign Signifying that upon Appeals made to his Majesty in his privy Coun-
cil in Cases of Error from the Courts in his Colonies and Plantations in
America in Civil Causes It is his will and pleasure that Execution be Sus-
pended untill the final determination of Such Appeals Unless good and Suf-
ficient Security be given by the Appellee to make Ample restitution of all
that the appellant Shall have lost be means of Such Judgmt or Decree, In
Case upon the Determination of Such Appeale Such Decree or Judgment
Should be reverst and restitution Awarded to the Appellant To which In-
struction of his Majesty (herewith Delivered unto you) you are hereby Di-
rected and [724] Required to Pay the Uttmost obedience your Self and to
Cause all others whom it may Concern in our Said Province to do the Like
as they will answer to the Contrary at their Peril
C: B:
By his Lordships Command
Cha! Lowe
[EJ:M:M:] John Digges Lessee v [WB] John Beale Appeals from the
Provl Court. Scire facias ad audiendum Errores issued Returned Scire fed.
and Wm Beckingham Appeares with liberty to Except agt the Mannr of prose-
cuting the Appeale; [E:J] Daniel Bryon v [WB] Prior Smallwood Appeale
from the Provl Court; [M:M:] Alexander Adams v [WB] John Caldwall Ap-
peale from Decree in Chancery. The three last Causes are Continued untill
next Court.
The Court adjourns untill Friday the thirteenth day of October next
Test William Gumming} Clk
At A Court of Appeals Held Before his Excellency The Govr and his
Lordships Honourable Councel for hearing Appeals and Writts of Error,
held in the Councel Chamber At the Port of Annapolis on friday the thir-
teenth day of October Anno Domini 1727
Present: His Excellency Benedict Leonard Calvert Esqr Governour; The
Honourable Wm Holland Esqr; John Hall Esqr; Philemon Lloyd Esqr; Richd
Tilghman Esqr; Mathew Tilghman Ward Esqr; John Rousby Esqr; Benja
Tasker Esqr; Nicholas Lowe Esqr; Charles Calvert Esqr.
The Court in the Absence of Mr Willm Gumming does Appoint George
Plater Clerk for this day who took the Oaths to his present Majesty and Sub-
scribed the Oath of Abjuration and Test as also the Oath well and truely to
Execute the said Office. After which the Court adjourned till Friday next
being the twentyeth day of this Instant October
Test Geo: Plater Clk