charged to the petitioner but to Mr Patrick Sympson who was Agent for Mr
Jonathan Forward and that the said Edmond Jennings and Daniel Dulany
before the Exhibition of the within Petition (being Apprehensive that they
were Incapable to Act in the Cause in regard they had not Complyed with
the Act of Assembly relating to Attorneys gave the Said Sympson credit for
and discharged him from the Said fees as he himself hath Acknowledged and
Declared in Open Court.
The Court adjourns to the Second tuesday of Aprill next
William Gumming} Clk.
At a Court held before his Excellency the Governour and and [sic] his
Lordships Honourable Council for hearing Appeals and Writts of Error held
at the Council Chamber at the Port of Annapolis on Tuesday the Eleventh
Day of Aprill Anno Dom 1727
Present: His Excellency the Governour; The Honourable Thos Addison
Esqr; Benj" Tasker Esqr; Philip Lee Esqr, of the Council.
The Court Adjourns till to morrow morning 10 a Clock forenoon.
Wednesday Aprill the 12th 1727.
The Court meet According to Adjourment
[722] Present: His Excellency the Governour; The Honourable Thomas
Addison Esqr; Philemon Loyd Esqr; Coi M. Tilghman Ward; Benj* Tasker
Esqr; Philip Lee Esqr, of the Council.
[E:I:M:M:] John Diggs Lessee v John Beale
Transcript on Appeale from the Provl Court filed ordered that Sc fa ad
Audiendum Errores issue
The Court adjourns to the Second Tuesday of July
Test William dimming) Clk
At a Court of Appeals held before his Excellency the Governour and his
Lordships Honourable Council for hearing Appeals and writts of Error held
in the Councel Chamber at the Port of Annapolis on the Second Tuesday of
July being the 11th Day of the Same Month Annoque Dom 1727.
Present: His Excellency Benedict Leonard Calvert Esqr Governour; The
Honourable Willm Holland Esqr; Philemon Loyd Esqr; Rich* Tilghman
Esqr; Coi M. Tilghman Ward; Benj" Tasker Esqr; Philip Lee Esqr; Nicholas
Lowe Esqr, of the Council.
This Day his Excellency the Governour brought into Court an Addi-
tional Order and Instruction from his Lordship to him Directing the Method
of giving Security on Writts of Error and Appeals to his Majesty in his Privy
Council together with his Majestys Instruction to his Lordship to that Effect
Which Instructions are ordered to be recorded Among the proceedings of
this Court.
Edmond Jennings being Admitted as a Practiser of this Honrble Court