Gilbert Powlson and Thomas Bordley Commanding them at a Certain Day
and under a Certain pain therein to be Limitted to be and appear before
your Honour in this Honble Court to answer die premisses and Injunction
to be Directed to the Sd Thomas Bordley his Counsellors Attorneys Solicitors
and Agents Enjoyning and Strictly Commanding them and every of them
to Stay and Surcease all further proceedings at Law Agt your Orator the S*
Thomas Cockey Robert Gordon Wm Rogers and Mary his Wife on any bond
protested bill of Exchange or other Writeing or Instrument herein before
mentioned untill your Orator Shall be heard before your Honour in this
Honrble Court
And he Will pray etc.
D: Dulany
Thereupon the i8th day of May Annoque Dom 1725 afd an Injunction
was granted upon giveing good Security but afterwds (To Witt) the Same
day and before good Security given or the Injunction Served the Defendant
desired to be heard thereto by the following Caveat (Vizt)
Sir I pray you will enter Caveat Against the granting any Injunction
Against me at the request of Thomas Cockey [692] and his Sureties untill
I be heard in Relation thereto this is According to practice and I'm told
they Intend to put me off with Slender Sureties
To the Regr in Chancery. Yr Servt Th Bordley.
Which motion for Injo appeared to his Honour the Chancellor to have
been made Without giveing the Defendant Notice thereof.
Whereupon the 21st day of the Same Month on a full hearing of the
Councill on both Sides it was the Opinion of his Honour That there was
no Cause for Continuing the Inj" And Thereupon ordered the Same to be
Dissolved. Afterwd8 To Witt the 21st day of July Anno Dom 1725 Came
Thomas Bordley the Defendant in his proper person and Appeared to the
bill afd and Thereupon the Sd Complainant (being a Non Resident) at the
prayer of the Defendant is adjudged to give Security for Costs According to
Act of Assembly
Thereupon Daniel Dulany Esqr of Councell with the Sd Complainant
Enters into Recognizance in the Sume of one hundred pounds Sterling for
the payment of the Sd Action in Case the Complainant Shall not prosecute
his Bill With Effect or that the Complainant Shall not obtain a Decree of
the Said Court to the Contrary
And Thereupon the Said Thomas Bordley Exhibited to the Said Court
his Demurrer and answer to the afd Bill of Complaint Which follows in
these Words Vizt
The Demurrer and answer of Thomas Bordley one of the Defendants
to the Bill of Complaint of Jonathan Forward Complainant.
This Defendant by protestation Saith That the S" Bill of Complaint is
very Insufficient in the Law to be answered unto and Such as this Defendant