of them and Whether Such bills of Exchange bond Note and Securities or
Some and Which of them Ought not now the Sd Judgmts are reversed to be
Delivered up to your Said Orator to be Cancelled and if not why and for
What reason the Same or any and Which of them Ought not So to be and
that the Said Confederates may Set forth the Said Bills of Exchange bond
Note and Securities in haec Verba and how and by What Means and for and
upon What Account the Same Was respectively had and obtained from the
Sd Cockey Gordon Rogers and his Wife or any and which of them and how
and by What Means and for what Consideration the Said Bordley gott or
obtained the Same or any and Which of them and Whether the Sd Bordley
was not Attorney or Agent or Acted as Such in the Said proceedings at Law
Against your Orator at the Suit of the Sd Powlson as above Charged and
Whether the Said Bordley now is the Said Powlsons Attorney or Agent and
by what Authority he now Acts in the Said Powlsons affairs and [691] That
the Sd Bordley may Set forth whether he hath not or doth not Deny that he
knows how the Sd Powlson got or Came by the Sd Six hundred Pound Bill
of Exchange or hath not or doth not Insist or pretend that he the Sd Bordley
is intituled thereto and why and for what reason he So insists and pretends
and that the Sd Bordley May Set forth and Discover what and how much
money if any he really and bona fide paid for the Said Six hundred pounds
bill of Exchange to the Sd Powlson or any other person or persons and when
and to Whom he paid the Same and how he became Intituled to the Sd Sev-
erall Bills of Exchange or Either and which of them and the moneys in and
by them or Either and which of them mentioned or made payable and that
the Sd Confederates may Set forth whether they and one and weh of them have
not or hath not or do not or doth not threaten and give out that they Will
put the Sd Judgments or one and Wch of them in Execution Against your
Orator and his Effects Notwithstanding his Majestys Said order and Why
they So threaten and give out and that Sd Confederates may Deliver up to
your Orator or the Sd Cockey, Moale, Gordon Rogers and his Wife or one of
them the Sd bills of Exchange Bond Note or Securities to be Cancelled and
that your Orator may be indemnifyed Agt the Same and the Sd Cockey Gor-
don Rogers and his Wife may be reinbursed all their Said Costs Charges and
Expenses and that his Majestys Said order in Councill may be Effectually
Executed and performed According to the true Intent and meaning thereof
and your Orator may have the full fruit and benefitt of the Same and that
the Said Confederates may be ordered and Enjoined by your Honour to Stay
all proceedings at Law Against your Orator and the Sa Cockey Gordon
Rogers and his Wife on the Said Bills of Exchange bond Note and Securities
or any of them for touching or Concerning any the Matters afd And that your
Orator may upon the whole Case and Circumstances thereof be Relieved
According to Equity and good Conscience May it please your Honour to
grant your Orator his Lordships Writt of Subpoena to be Directed to the Sd