and Thos Cockey and Wm Rogers Severally took the Oath of plaintiffs in
appeals by them brought agt Thomas Bordley
Patrick Sympson Attorney in fact of Jonathan Forward Came into Court
and Qualified himself on behalf of Jonathan Forward on an appeale from
Chancery Court by Said Forward Agt Thomas Bordley.
Court Adjourns till to Morrow Morning 10 of the Clock Friday 2Oth
1726 The Court meet according to adjournment Present as Yesterday.
Who all Qualifyed themselves as Judges of this Court by taking the
Oath of Judge according to the Direction of the Act of Assembly
The Court adjourns till five a clock in the Afternoon
The Court Meet according to adjournment Present as before noon
[TB] Thomas Bordley ats Gordon Rogers and Cockey
Thomas Bordley in his proper person humbly moves the Court that in
as much as the last Court of Appeals Sat on the 27th day of October last about
Eight days after the Time of the rendering the Judgments in the Provincial
Court for the Said Bordley Agt the Severall now Appeallants from which
Judgments the now Appellants Appealed but Did not lodge their Appeale in
the office of this Court till the 29th Day of November following and for that
from the Nineteenth day of October 1725 till this Nineteenth Day of May
Seventeen hundred and Twenty Six is a very long return and that the ap-
peale might have been prosecuted to the former Court he therefore humbly
prays the Court here that the Said Appeale may not be Deemed Sufficient to
Stay or hinder him from haveing his Execution upon the Judgment afd.
Whereupon the Court haveing Mature Consideration of the Motion afd De-
clare their Opinion that the Said Motion does not Lye properly before them
The Court meet According to Adjournment present as before noon
The Court Adjourn till to Morrow Morning Saturday May 21st 1726.
The Court meet According to Adjournment present as Yesterday
[M.M.] Thos Cockey v [ppa] Thos Bordley Appeale — ruled to file the
Errors by the last of this month and tryal on 2d day of June thereafter;
[M:M:] Wm Rogers v [ppa] Same Appeal. Same rule as above; [M:M] Rob-
ert Gordon v [ppa] Same Appeale. Same rule as above; [M: M:] Jonatha For-
ward v [ppa] Thos Bordley Proceedings from the Chancery Court filed
Errors or Causes of Appeale to be filed as above and hearing on the 2d day
of June thereafter.
The Court Adjourns to 4 of the Clock in the afternoon The Court
meet According to Adjournment. Present as before noon The Court adj™
to thursday the 2d day of June next
Test William Cumming Clk Cot of App'8
[669] At a Court of Appeals held before his Excellency the Governour and
his Lordships Honrble Council for hearing Appeals and Writts of Error at