Said Davis had any Right to the Lands in dispute he might have Come in as
Defendant in Chancery According to the prayer of the Chancery Bill but
that these Respondents are advised his not doing So Shall be of no Avail to
those Appellants nor destroy the Decree So Justly given So far as the Same
relates to them who have been fully heard in all the Courts of this Province
that Could Take Cognizance of them and have had their Petition of Appeale
Already Dismist this Honble Court for Want of prosecution Wherefore these
Respondents humbly pray that the Said Decree of the Chancery Court So
farr as it relates to the appellants (and it is Agt none others) may be in all
things Confirmed And the Appeal this Grievous and Vexatious Appeal be
Dismist with Cost. And afterwds To Witt on the Said Nineteenth Day of
October in the Same Court the Sd Levin and Thomas Hicks by their Council
afd appear'd. And thereupon afterwds on the Twenty Sixth Day of October
Anno Dom Seventeen hundred and Twenty five before his Lordships high
Court of Appeals the afd Levin and John Hicks by their Council afd being
present And the Said Philemon and his Wife being Likewise present Where-
upon on hearing the Record and Whole proceedings in the Chancery Court
to the Rendering the Decree there as afd the afd Appeale and Petition and
Causes therein by the Appellant for Errors in Equity Assigned As Likewise
the Answer given in by the Said Philemon and his Wife by their Councel
afd to the Appeale and Errors afd. Whereupon and upon the Debate of the
Whole Matter and hearing What Could be Alledged on all Sides This
Court did think fitt and Did Declare and Decree that the former Decree pro-
nounced in this Cause in the Court of Chancery of this Province So farr as
the Same relates to the parties to the Said Decree Was Just and Did Accord-
ingly Order that the Same Should Stand in all things Confirmed with Cost.
[T:B] Henry Ennalls v John Eccleston
Ca sa Dorchester County No return
The Court adjourns till the first Thursday after the first tuesday of Next
Provincial Court
Test William Gumming Clk Court Appls
At a Court of Appeals held before his Excellency the Governour and his
Lordships Honble Council for hearing Appeals and Writts of Errors at the
Port of Annapolis on the third Thursday of May being the i9th Day of the
Same Month Annoque Dom 1726
Present: His Excellency Charles Calvert Esqr Governour; The Honourable
Co* Wm Holland; Thos Addison Esqr; Rd Tilghman Esqr; James Bowles
Esqr; John Hall Esqr; [668] Philemon Loyd Esqr; Mat Tilghman Ward;
Benja Tasker Esqr, of the Council Present
Micha Macnemara Gent Came this Day into Court and Qualified him-
self as an Attorney by taking the Oath of an Attorney. Robert Gordon Gent