the Port of Annapolis on the first Thursday of June being the 2d Day of the
Same Month Annoque Dom 1726
Present: His Excellency Charles Calvert Esqr Governour; The Honble Wil-
liam Holland Esqr; Co* Richd Tilghman; Benja Tasker Esqr; Phi1 Loyd Esqr;
Col Tilgman Ward Esqr and Nicha Lowe Esqr.
This Day Nicholas Lowe Esqr one of his Lordships Honrble Council
and one of the Judges in the high Court of Appeals Came into Court and
Qualifyed himself According to Act of Assembly by taking the Oath of a
Judge there
The Court Adjourns till to Morrow morning 8 a Clock Friday June 3d.
The Court meet According to Adjournment present as Yesterday
[MM:] Thomas Cockey v [ppa] Thomas Bordley
Eodem Die June 3* 1726.
Heretofore To Witt as it appears in the Record and Entries of this
Court To Witt the Twenty Ninth Day of Novr Anno Dom Seventeen hun-
dred and Twenty five His Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court Trans-
mitt to his Lordships Governour and Council of the Province afd Sitting as
a Court of Appeals and Errors the following Record on an appeale made by
Thomas Cockey from the Judgment of the Provincial Court The tenour of
which follows in these Words Vizt
MARYLAND ss. In the Records and Proceedings of the Provincial Court
of Maryland Amongst other things is Contained as follows — Vizt
MARYLAND ss. At a Provincial Court of the Right Honrble Charles ab-
solute Lord and Proprietor of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord
Baron of Baltemore etc. held at the City of Annapolis in the County of Ann-
arundell for the province of Maryland on the third Tuesday of October
being the Nineteenth Day of the Same Month in the tenth year of his Said
Lordships Dominion etc. Annoque Dom 1725
Were present: The Honrble Samuel Young Esqr Chief Justice; James Harris;
James Stoddart; John Mackall and William Lock, Esq8 Justices
Jno Gresham Sherr Vachel Denton Cl.
[ppa] Thomas Bordley v [D.D] Thomas Cockey
Else whereas it appears To Witt in May term last past Thomas Cockey of
Annarundell County Merchant als diet Thomas Cockey of Annarundell
County was Summoned to answer unto Thomas Bordley Esqr one of the
Attorneys pratising in this his Lordships Provincial Court here of a plea that
he render unto him fourteen hundred and forty Pounds Ster! which to him he
Oweth and unjustly Detaineth etc.
And Whereupon the Same Thomas Bordley in his proper person Ac-
cording to the Custome of the Court Says that whereas the afd Thomas Cockey