This Deponant Says She knows Nothing of the Warrant. July the 7th Day
1718. Sworn before us the Subscribers
John Kirke [Seale] John Lecompte [Seale]
August 14 1719. This is to Satisfye that I have delivered unto Benj*
Woodward those two Pattents as by a Decree out of Chancery I am oblidged
to do as Wittness my hand. Livin Hicks. Levin Hicks of Dorchester County
Gent maketh oath that Thomas Hicks of Dorchester County afd Gent this
Deponents father is So Scalded in his feet and Legs by a late Misfortune he
has had that he is not able to Travail from home without being in danger
of his Life. Livin Hicks
Jur 5o die July 1716o coram me Rd Tilghman
MARYLAND ss. Among the Chancery Records in the province of Mary-
land is Contained as followeth. Att a Chancery Court held at the City of
Annapolis in the Province of Maryland the Second Tuesday of October being
the fourth Day of Same Month Anno Dom 1718.
Were present: His Excelly John Hart Esqr Chancellor; John Hall Esqr; Phile-
mon Loyd Esqr; Collo Richd Tilghman; Collo Samuel Young; Collo Thoa
Addison, The Honble Gent of the Councill whom his Excey calls his
[TB:] Sewards heirs v [WB:] Hicks and al.
It appearing to the Court that George Seward had a Warrant from the
Late Lord Propry. That Thomas Smithson upon very fraudulent Allega-
tions had Obtained a Special Warrant to Resurvey the Lands in the bill
mentioned and a Patent granted thereupon Tis therefore Decreed that
Thomas Smithsons Patient for the Lands in the Bill mentioned be Vaccated
and that the [665] Complainants have a right to the Said Patents for the Said
Lands and that the Defendant doe Surrender the Said Patent into his Lord-
ships Land office to be Vacated Accordingly With Cost
Vera Copia out of Lib: P. L: fo* 419
Per E Griffith Regr in Chanry
MARYLAND ss. Charles Absolute Lord and proprietor of the provinces
of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore etc. To Thomas Hicks
of Dorchester County Greeting Whereas a Certain Judgment or decree was
lately made before us in our high Court of Chancery which remains in these
Words following Vizt John Hart Esqr Capt Generall and Governour in Chief
and keeper of our great Seale of this our Province of Maryland Does this
14th day of October Anno Dom 1718 in our Said Court Determine Sentence
order and Decree That Thomas Smithsons Patts for the Lands Called Sectar
and Camberlake mentioned in the Bill Exhibited by Mary and Anne Sewards
Daughters and Coheirs of Wm Seward late Deced being Minors under the Age