of Twenty one years by Benj" Woodward of Dorchester County Planter and
Mary his Wife Comp"8 agt Thos Hicks of Dorchester County Deft be Vacated
and that the Comp118 have a right to Patients for the Said Land And that the
Deft do Surrender the Said Patients into our Land office to be there Vaccated
Accordingly. And that the Deft do pay unto the Complts ihe Sume of Three
Thousand Seven hundred and Sixly five pounds of Tobacco Costs accrued
by Occasion of the premisses afd. Wee being willing thai the Decree of our
Said Court should be Inviolably Observed Command you Thomas Hicks
of Dorchester Counly lhal Immediatly afler ihe receipl hereof You duly Com-
ply wilh the afd Decree according to ihe Tennor and Irue Inlenl thereof
hereof you are in no wise to faile al your perill Wiltness our Self at the Cily
of Annapolis the 24th Day of May in the 4th year of our Dominion etc. Anno-
que Dom 1719
(Th Bordley) Vach Demon Regr
And thereupon afterwds To Wilt on the Same ihirlielh Day of Oclober
Sevenleen hundred and Twenly four ihe Same Courl of Appeals here ihe
Said Levin and Thomas Hicks by Joshua George and Daniel Dulany their
Councill appeared and thereupon the proceedings in the Said Cause were
ordered to be lodged and entered Whereupon the Said Cause is ordered to
be Continued unlill nexl Courl Al which Said Nexl Courl To Will on ihe
third Tuesday of Febry being the Sixteenlh Day of the Same Month in ihe
Same Courl of Appeals here ihe Said Levin and Thomas Hicks by iheir
Councel afd appeared and Wrill of Scire facias to hear Errors having issued
directed to the Sherriff of Dorchester County to Summons Philemon Le-
compl and Mary his wife ihe Daughter and heir to Wm Seward deced the
Son and heir of George Seward to hear the Errors Assigned on the Decree afd
and no relurn being made by ihe Said Sherr ihereon Thereupon II was or-
dered lhal Scire facias Should be renewed direcled lo ihe Sherriff afd lo Sum-
mons ihe Said Philemon and Mary his Wife lo hear the Errors afd unless
return made ihis Courl of ihe former Wrill of Scire facias. And ihereupon
ihe Cause is ordered lo be Conlinued Unlill Nexl Courl. Al Which Said
Nexl Courl To Will on ihe ihird Tuesday of May being ihe eighleenth
[666] Day of ihe Same Monlh Anno Dom Sevenleen hundred and Tuenly
five in ihe Same Courl of Appeals the Same Levin and Thomas Hicks ap-
peared by their Councel afd and the Said Philemon Lecompt and his Wife
appeared by Thomas Bordley their Councell. Thereupon it is ordered that
the Said Philemon Lecompt and his Wife or iheir Council give in an Answer
plea or Demurrer lo ihe afd Appeale from ihe Decree of ihe Chancery Courl
afd by Nexl Court And Thereupon the Cause afd Was Conlinued unlill Next
Courl. Al Which Said Nexl Courl lo Will the third Tuesday of Oclober
being the Nineteenth Day of the Same Month Anno Dom Seventeen hun-
dred and Twenty five the Said Philemon Lecompl and his Wife by iheir
Councel afd did give in iheir Answer lo the aforesaid Appeale