Sume of Twelve hundred and Seventy three Pounds of Tobacco Costs of
Suit together with all Such Costs as to the Gilbert Powlson Shall Accrue
upon this our Writt of Attachment and that by good and Lawfull men of
your Bailywick you Make known unto the the [sic] person or Persons in
Whose hands you make the Same Attachment that he She or they be and
appear before the Justices of our Said Court at the day and place afa to Shew
Cause (if any he She or they have) why the Same Goods Chatties Rights or
Creditts So Attached Shall not be Condemned in his her or their hands and
Execution thereof had and Made According to the Direction of the Act of
Assembly in Such Cases made and provided for and Towards Satisfaction of
the Damages and Costs above Specifyed and how you Shall Execute this
Writt that you Make known unto our Said Justices at the Same day and place
and have you then there this writt Wittness Samuel young Esqr Chief Jus-
tice of our Said Court the 1st Day of October in the 5th year of our Dominion
etc. Annoque Domini 1720
Th Bordley Vachel Denton Clk.
Att Which Said first Tuesday of Aprill to Witt the 4th day of the Same
Month Anno Domini 1721 being the day of the return of the Said Writt
Comes the Said Gilbert Powlson by Thomas Bordley his Attorney and the
Sher of Annl County to Whom the Same writt was directed Likewise comes
and makes return thereof to the Court here Endorst in these words Vizt By
Vertue of this within precept to me directed I doe Certifye to to [sic] the
Justices within mentioned That I have this 18th day of January 1720 attached
of the Rights and Creditts of the Within mentioned Jonathan Forward in
the hands of Thomas Cockey the Sume of money and Tobacco within men-
tioned and have made known to him that he be and appear before the Jus-
tices within mentioned at the day and place within mentioned to Shew Cause
if any he hath why the Same Sums of money and Tobacco Should not be
Condemned in his hands and Execution thereof had and made for the use
of the Within mentioned Gilbert Powlson and Made known before James
Forward and Thomas Reynolds two good and Lawfull men of my Bailywick
as by the Same I am Commanded So answers
Stephen Warman Sher.
By Vertue of this precept hereunto Annexed and do [sic] me directed I
doe Certifye to the Justices within mentioned that I have this 21st day of Janry
1720 Attached of the Rights and Creditts of Jonathan Forward in the hands
of Samuel Chambers the Sume Six hundred Pounds Sterl and thirty Thou-
sand Pounds of Tobacco as in the precept here. Annexed and have made
known to him that he be and appear before the Justices in the Same writt
mentioned at the day and place therein Contained [610] To Shew Cause if
any he hath why the Same Sume of money and Tobacco Should not be
Condemned in his hands and Execution thereof had and made for the use
of Gilbert Powlson as in the Precept named and made known before Je-