hosophat Ridgley and Thomas Reynolds two good and Lawfull men of my
Bailywick as by the Same I am Commanded — So answers
Stephen Warman Sherr
By Vertue of this Precept hereunto Annexed and to me directed I do
Certifie to the Justices within Mentioned that I have this 8th Day of Febry
1720 Attached of the Rights and Creditts of Jonthan Forward in the hands
of Thomas Cook the Sume of Twenty Six pounds Sterl and have made known
to him to be and appear before the Justices in the Same Writt mentioned at
the day and place therein Contained to Shew Cause if any he hath why the
Same Sume of Twenty Six pounds Sterl Should not be Condemned in his
hands and Execution thereof had and made for the use of Gilbert Powlson as
in the Precept named and made known before John Todd and Thomas Rey-
nolds two good and Lawfull men of my Bailywick as by the Same I am
Commanded — So answers
Stephen Warman Sherr
These are to Certifye to the Justices within mentioned That by Vertue
of the precept hereunto Annext unto me directed that the 22" day of March
1720 that I have Attached of the Rights and Creditts of Jonathan Forward
in the hands of Edward Smith the Sume of Twenty Six pounds Sterl and
have made known to him that he be and appear before the Justices in the
Same Writt mentioned at the Day and place therein Contained to Shew
Cause if any he hath why the Same Sume of Money Should not be Con-
demned in his hands and Execution thereof had and Made for the use of
Gilbert Powlson as in the writt Named and Made known before Thomas
Jobson and Thomas Cook two good and Lawfull men of my Bailywick as
by the Same I am Commanded — So answers
Stephen Warman Sherr
By Vertue of this precept hereunto Annexed and to me directed I doe
Certifie to the Justices therein Mentioned that this 25th day of January 1720
That I have Attached of the rights and Creditts of Jonathan Forward in the
hands of John Mould the Sume of Six hundred pounds Sterl and have made
known to him that he be and appear before the Justices in the Same Writt
mentioned at the day and place therein Contained to Shew Cause if any he
hath why the Same Sume of Money Should not be Condemned in his hands
and Execution thereof had and made for the use Gilbert Powlson as in the
named and made known before Peter Owerard and Hugh Kenedy two good
and Lawfull men of my Bailywick as by the Same I am Commanded — So
Answers Stephen Warman Sherr
Thereupon Thomas Bordley Esqr Attorney for the Said Gilbert Powl-
son prays Condemnation of the Sumes So as afd Attached in the hands of
the Said Thomas Cockey as of the Rights and Creditts of the Said Jonathan
Forward to Satisfie unto the Said Gilbert Powlson as well the Sume of Six
hundred pounds Sterl and Six Thousand four hundred and fifty one Pounds