peales and Errors now here that in the Record and process afd as also in the
Rendring the Judgmt afd that it is Manifestly Erred. It is Considered that
the Judgment afd rendered in the Provincial Court against the said Lord the
King for the Errors afst above Assigned be revoked Annull'd and altogether
held for none And that the said Lord the King to all things he by the Judgmt
afd hath lost be restored, etc. [564]
Eodem Die Vizt: July the 18th 1723.
[T.B.D.D.] His Majesty v William Stone
MARYLAND sst His Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court Trans-
mitt to his said Ldships Governour and Councill of the Province afd Sitting as
a Court of Appeales and Errors the following Record on an Appeale made
by Philemon Lloyd Esqr (at whose request this following Action was
brought) from the said Provincial Court the Tenor of Which Followes in
these words Vizt:
In the Records and proceedings of the Provll Court of Maryland amongst
Other things is thus Contained.
MARYLAND sst Att a Provincial Court held at the City of Annapolis
in Annarundell County for the Province of Maryland on the Second Tuesday
in April being the tenth day of the same month in the Seventh year of the
Dominion of the RHont Honble Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietor of the
Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore etc: Annoque
Domi 1722.
[565] Were Present: The Honble Collo Samuel Young Esqr Cheif Justice;
James Stoddart Esqr; William Lock Esqr, Justices; Henry Lazenby Sherriff.
Vachel Denton Clk.
[T:B:] His Lordships the Lord Proprietor who for the Lord the King
[D.D.] William Stone
MARYLAND sst William Stone of Charles County in the Province of
Maryland Gent als diet: William Stone of Charles County of Charles County
[sic] in the Province afd Gent was Summonsed to Answer unto Thomas
Bordley Esqr his Lordships Attorney Gena who for the Lord the King that
now is in this behalf Prosecuteth of a Plea that he render unto the said Lord
the King two hundred thousand pounds of good Sound Merchantable leaf
Tobacco and Casque which from the said Lord the King he unjustly De-
taineth etc.
And whereupon the same Thomas Bordley his said Lordships Attorney
Genll who for the said Lord the King that now is prosecuteth sayth that