directed by William Middleton and John Brown good and lawfull Men of
his Bailywick he did make known to the said Daniel Jenifer and Elizabeth his
Wife Ex™ as afd that they Should be before his Ldship in his High Court of
Appeales and Errors on the afd first Tuesday of May Anno Domi Seventeen
hundred and twenty three to hear the Record and process afd if to them it
should seem meet as by the same Writt he was Commanded Which said
Daniel Jenifer and Elizabeth his Wife Ex" afa according to the promonution
to them in that part made by Michael Howard their Attorny come into Court
here and whereupon the said Thomas Bordley who for his Majesty in this
behalf prosecuteth as before sayth that in the record and process afd as also in
rendring the Judgment afd it is manifestly Erred Alledging the Errors afd
by him the said Thomas Bordley for his Majesty in form afd Alledged and
prays that the said Judgmt may be reversed Annull'd and altogether held for
none and that the said Lord the King as well as the said Philemon Lloyd to
all that they have lost thereby may be restored etc: And that the sd Dain" and
Elizabeth his Wife Exr3t afd to the Errors afd may rejoyne And that his Ldships
said Court of Appeales and Errors here will Proceed to the Examination as
well of the Record and process afd as of the matters a£d above for Errors
And thereupon the said Daniel and Elizabeth his Wife Ex" afd say that
neither in the Record and process afd nor in the matters therein Contained
nor in rendring the Judgment afd it is in any wise Erred And likewise prays
that his said Ldships Court of Appeales and Errors here proceed to the Ex-
amination as well of the Record and process afa as of the matters above for
Error Assigned and that the Judgmt afd in every thing may be Affirmed. [563]
But because his sa Laships Court of Appeales and Errors here of rendring
their Judgmt of and upon the premisses are not as yet Advised Day is thereof
given to the parties afd before his Ldships Governour and Councill afd from
the first Tuesday in May Anno Domi Seventeen hundred and twenty three
at the City of Annapolis afd untill the third Tuesday of July then next being
the Sixteenth day of the same month Anno Domi Seventeen hundred and
twenty three to hear their Judgment of and upon the Premisses for that
his said Ldships Court of Appeales and Errors here thereof are not as yet
At which said third Tuesday of July last mentioned before his sd Lord-
ships Governour and Councill afd Sitting as a Court of Appeales and Errors
at the City afd comes as well the said Thomas Bordley who for the said Lord
the King prosecuteth as the said Daniel Jenifer and Elizth his Wife by their
Attorney afd.
And whereupon all and Singular the premisses by the said Court now
here (to wit on the Eighteenth day of July in the Term afd) being Seen and
fully understood and deligently Examined and Inspected and Mature De-
liberation being thereupon had it Appears to his said Ldships Court of Ap-