Esqr and Vachel Denton both of the City of Annapolis Came into Court
and Acknowledged themselves to Owe and Stand Justly indebted unto the
said Daniel and Elizabeth his Wife Exri as afd in the sum of ten thousand
pounds of Tobacco to be levyed on their bodys goods or Chatties Lands or
Tenements to the use of the said Daniel Junifer and Elizabeth Uxr Exri as afd
According to Law In Case the said Philemon Lloyd Esqr does not prosecute
his said Appeale with Effect according to Act of Assembly in that Case made
and provided.
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Affixt the Seale
of the Provinw Court this Eight day of October Anno Domi 1722.
[Provinciall Seale] Vachel Denton Clk
Cur. Provi
Afterwards to Wit on the Second Wednesday of October being the tenth
day of the same month Anno Domi Seventeen hundred and twenty two
Thomas Bordley Esqr who [561] at the request of Philemon Lloyd Esqr for
the Lord the King in this behalf prosecuteth Sayth That in the Record and
process afd and also in the rendering the Judgmt afd it is manifestly Erred In
this to wit That Judgment is rendered by the said Provincial Court for the
said Daniel and Uxr that the said Lord the King should take nothing by his
Writ whereas it ought to have been rendred for the said Lord the King agst
the said Daniel and Uxr that the said Lord the King shoud have recovered
the Debt sued for, for which Error and many Other in the record and process
and also in the rendrihg the Judgment aforesaid being the said Thomas
Bordley who at the request of the said Philemon prosecuteth as afd prays that
the said Judgment may be reversed Annull'd and altogether held for none
And that the said Lord the King as well as the said Philemon to all that they
have lost thereby may be restored etc.
Th Bordley.
And the afa Thomas Bordley prays his Ldships Writ to forewarne the
said Daniel Junifer and Elizabeth his Wife Exrx afd to be before his said
Ldships Governour and Councill at Annapolis to hear the Record and process
afd and it is granted unto him therefore Command is given to the Sherriff of
Charles County that he should make known unto the said Daniel Jenifer and
Elizabeth his Wife Exri afd that they should be before un [sic] in our high
Court of Appeales to be held at the City of Annapolis on the first Tuesday
of May then next Anno Domi Seventeen hundred and twenty three to hear
the Record and process afd if to them it should seem meet And the same Day
is given to the said Thomas Bordley to appear for his Majesty also.
At which said first Tuesday of May Anno Domi Seventeen hundred and
twenty three Before his Ldships high Court of Appeales afd at the City of
Annapolis afd Came [562] as well the said Thomas Bordley who for his said
Majesty on that behalf prosecuteth And the Sherriff of Charles County (To
Witt) John Howard Gent: returned that by Virtue of the Writ afd to him