their Judgmt of and upon the premisses for that his sd Ldships Court of Ap-
peales and Errors here thereof are not as yet Advised.
At which said third Thursday of April being the twentyth day of the
same month before his Ldships Govrn and Councill Sitting as a Court of Ap-
peales and Errors at the City of Annapolis afd Comes as well the said Richard
Bennett by his Attorney afa as the said Peregrine Frisby by his Attorney afd
But because his Ldships said Court of Appeales and Errors now here of their
Judgmt of and upon the premisses to render are not yet advised further day
is given as well to the said Richard Bennett as the afd Peregrine Frisby from
the said twentyth day of April at the City of Annapolis afa untill the twenty
first day of July next Anno Domi Seventeen hundred and twenty one to hear
their Judgmt of and upon the Premisses for that his said Laships Court of
Appeales and Errors here thereof are not as yet Advised.
At which said twenty first day of July Anno Domi Seventeen hundred
and twenty one before his Ldships Governour and Councill afd Sitting as a
Court of Appeales and Errors at the City of Annapolis afd comes as well the
said Richard Bennett by his Attorney afa as the said Peregrine Frisby by his
Attorney afd But because his Ldships said Court of Appeales and Errors now
here of their Judgmt of and upon the premisses to render are not as yet ad-
vised further day is given as well to the said Richard Bennett as the afd Pere-
grine Frisby from the said twenty first day of July at the City of Annapolis
afa untill the Seventeenth day of October next Anno Domi Seventeen hun-
dred and twenty one to hear their Judgment of and upon the premisses for
that his said Ldships Court of Appeales and Errors here thereof are not as
yet advised.
[480] At which said Seventeenth day of October Anno Domi Seventeen hun-
dred and twenty One before his Ldships Govrn and Councill afd Sitting as a
Court of Appeales and Errors at the City of Annapolis afd comes as well the
said Richard Bennett by his Attorney afd as the afd Peregrine Frisby by his
Attorney afd But because his Ldships said Court of Appeales and Errors now
here of their Judgmt of and upon the Premisses to render are not as yet Ad-
vised further day is given as well to the said Richard Bennett as the afd Pere-
grine Frisby from the said Seventeenth day of October Anno Domi Seven-
teen hundred and twenty One at the City of Annapolis afd untill the third
day of November next Anno Domi Seventeen hundred and twenty One to
hear their Judgmtt of and upon the premisses for that his said Ldships Court
of Appeales and Errors here thereof are not as yet Advised.
At which said third day of November Anno Domi. Seventeen hundred
and twenty One Before his Ldships Governour and Councill afd Sitting as a
Court of Appeales and Errors at the City of Annapolis afd comes as well the
said Richard Bennett by his Attorney afd as the afd Peregrine Frisby by his
Attorney afd But because his Ldships Court of Appeales and Errors here of
rendring their Judgmt of and upon the premisses are not as yet advised day