Majesty Writt Error. Errors filed. Continued with liberty to Except to
the Geit of the writt; [DD] The Same v [Atfny Gen»] The Same Writt Er-
ror. Errors filed Same Rule as above; Further Continuance to the 3d Tues-
day of October 1721, [TB] James Frisbys Executrix v [DD] John Snow Writt
Error and Transcript Scire facias Issued. Notice thereof given to Samuell
Perrie Attorney in fact; [466] [DD] Jonathan Forward v [TB] Gilbert Fowl-
son Writt Error. Transcript Sc fa issued return Scire feci Thomas Bord-
ley Appears with Liberty to withdraw his appearance; Imparlance Doggett
for the third tuesday in October 1721. [DD] Bennett Hoskins v [TB] John
Couseen's Lessee Writt Error and Transcript. T B appears same Rule as
above Writt of Diminution to the Provinciall Court, The above Seven
Causes is all Continued untill Next Court.
The Court Adjourns untill the first tuesday in April Next.
At a Court held before his Exlly the Gov™ and his Lordships Honble
Councill for hearing Appeale and Writts of Error held at the Councill Cham-
ber at the Fort of Annapolis on the first tuesday of April being the third day
of the same month Anno Domi 1722.
Present: His Excellency Charles Calvert Esqr GoVn; The Honble Thomas
Brooks Esqm; Collo Richard Tilghman; Collo Tilghman Ward; John Rousby
Esqr, of his Ldship Honble Councill.
The Court Adjourns till to Morrow morning Nine of the Clock.
Wednesday April the 4th 1722. The Court meet According to Adjournment
Present as above with the Honble Co" Samll Young Added. The Court Ad-
journs till three a Clock in the afternoon. The Court meet According to
Adjournment Present as before noon
[DD] John Ward v [TB] Nath" Hynson Prochen Amy Nath» Hynson
Demurrer ore tenus taken to the Defts answer which was over Ruled
wth the usual Costs of 600lb Tobo, to the Deft for the unessesary delay in argu-
ing thereof in the Court of Chancery and Ruled that they Proceed to the
merits of the Cause
[467] The Court Adjourns till tomorrow morning Eight of the Clock.
Thursday April the 5th 1722 The Court Meet according to Adjournmt
Present as yesterday. The Court Adjourns untill three of the Clock after-
noon The Court meet according to Adjournment present as before noon.
The Court adjourns till to Morrow Morning Eight of the Clock. Friday
April the 6th 1722. The Court meet according to Adjournment. Present as
yesterday. The Court adjourns till three of the Clock in the afternoon.
The Court meet according to Adjournment Present as before noon. The
Court Adjourns till tomorrow morning Eight of the Clock. Saturday April
the 7th 1722. The Court meet According to Adjournmt. Present as before.