Present: His Excellency Charles Calvert Esqr Governour; The Honourable
Samuel Young Esquire; Col Thomas Addisson of his Lordships Council.
[TB] Richard Bennett Esqr v [D:D] James and Peregrine Frisby admrs
Thomas Frisby deced Writt Error. Errors filed Ruled that the Clerk of
the Provl Court bring here into Court at the tryal of this Cause the Minutes
thereof in the Provl Court; [DD] John Ward v [TB] Nathaniel Hynson
Proshen Amy Natha Hynson Petition and Appeale: TB appears with Lib-
erty to with draw the Same as to his Client which he has, So as the Same be
not prejudicial to the Appealant; [DD] John Davison v [Attry Genll] Majesty
Writt Error. Errors filed. Continued with Liberty to except to the Geit
[sic] of the Writt; [DD] The Same v [Attry Genl] The Same Writt Error.
Errors filed Same rule as above; Further Continuances to the 3d Tuesday of
October 1721, [T:B] James Frisby's executrix v [DD] John Snow Writt Er-
ror and transcript. Scire facias issued. Notice thereof given to Samuel Perry
Atfy in fact; [DD] Jonathan Forward v [T:B] Gilbert Powlson Writt Errors
and transcript Sc fa issued returned Scire feci. Thos Bordley appears With
Liberty to with draw his appearance; Imparlance Doggett for the third tues-
day of October 1721 [D:D] Bennett Hoskins v [TB] John Causeen's Lessee
Writt Errr and transcript. T B appears Same rule as above. Writt of Dimi-
nution to the Provl Court, The Court adjourns till the third day of Novem-
ber next And the above Seven Causes Continued to the Same Court
[465] At a Court held before his Excellency the Governour and his Lord-
ships Honourable Council for hearing Appeals and Writts of Errors held in
the Council Chamber in the Port of Annapolis on the first friday of Novem-
ber being the third day of the Same Month Anno Dni 1721
Present: His Excellency Charles Calvert Esqr the Governour; The Honour-
able Philemon Lloyd Esqr; Col Thomas Addisson; John Hall Esqr; Col
Richard Tilghman; Col Mathew Tilghman Ward; James Bowles Esqr, of
his Lordships Honourable Council.
The Court adjourns untill to Morrow Morning Eighth of the Clock
Saturday November the 4th 1721 The Court Meet according to adjourn-
Present: His Excellency the Governour; The Honourable John Hall Esqr;
Col Thomas Addisson; Cot Richd Tilghman; Col Mathew Tilghman Ward;
James Bowles Esqr; Col Wm Holland; Philemon Lloyd Esqr.
[TB] Richard Bennett Esqr v [DD] James and Peregrine Frisby Admrl
of Thomas Frisby Deced Writt of Error Errors filed Ruled that the Clk of
the Provinciall Court bring here into Court at the tryall of this cause the min-
utes thereof in the Provinciall Court; [DD] John Ward v [TB] Nathaniel
Hynson Proshen Amy Nathll Hynson Petition and Appeale T B appears
with liberty to with draw the same as to his Client which he has, so as the same
be not prejudiciall to the Appealant; [DD] John Davison v [Attrny Genll]