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Proceedings of the Maryland Court of Appeals, 1695-1729
Volume 77, Page 306   View pdf image (33K)
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[TB:] Richard Bennett Esqr v [DD:] James and Peregrine Frisby
Admrs of Thomas Frisby deced

Heretofore to Witt as it appears by the Records and Entries of this
Court to Witt on the 25th day of May in the 5th year of his Ldships Domin; etc:
Anno Domi: 1720 the Right Honble the Lord Propry hath directed to his
Ldships Justices of the Provinciall Court his Writt Close which follows in
these words.

MARYLAND ss. Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Ld Baron of Baltemore etc. To our Trusty and Well
beloved Samuel Young Esqr Greeting because in the Record and process and
also in rendring of Judgment in a plea wch was in Our Provinciall Court be-
fore Wm Holland Esqr late Cheife Justice of our said Provinciall Court of
Maryland and his Associates Justices of the Same Court by our Writt Be-
tween Richard Bennett Esqr late of Queen Anns County And [468] James
Frisby and Peregrine Frisby both of Cecill County Genttm Adminrs of all and
Singular the goods Chatties rights and Creditts which were of Thomas Frisby
lately of the same County Gentm deced Otherwise lately called Thomas
Frisby of Cecill County Gent, of a Certain Debt of Fifty Six thousand Eight
hundred and forty pounds of good Sound Merchantable leaf Tobacco in
well Seasond Cask which the said Richard Bennett required from the said
James and Peregrine as it is said Manifest Errors has happen'd to the great
damage of the said Richard as of his Complaint We have received We being
Willing that the Error afsd if any there has been, should in due manner be
Corrected and full and Speedy Justice done to the parties afsd in that Part
Comand you that if Judgmt be thereof rendred then the record and process
afsd wth all things thereunto relateing to us under your Seales Distinctly and
openly you send and this Writ so that We may have the same before our
high Court of Appeales to be held at the City of Annapolis on thursday the
26th of May Instant that the Record and process afsd being inspected we may
further do therein for the Correcting that Error what of right and Accord-
ing to the Law and Custom of Great Brittain and this our Province Ought
to be done Wittness our Trusty and Well beloved Wm Holland Esqr
Chancellor of Maryland and Keeper of the Great Seale thereof this
25th day of May in the 5th year of his Lordships Domn etc: Annoque Domi

Vachel Denton Regr.

The Answer of Samuel Young Esqr Cheif Justice within Mentioned

and his Associates.

The Record and process of the plea mentioned as made within with all
things thereunto relateing to the high Court of Appeales within mentioned


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Proceedings of the Maryland Court of Appeals, 1695-1729
Volume 77, Page 306   View pdf image (33K)
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