of goods brought into one Port and Removed to another one Man Shall
not Enter goods in the Name of another) Among other things it is therein
contained that every Merch' as well Denizen as stranger which Shall bring
from thence forth any manner of goods into any Port within the Realme by
way of Merchandize, and there doe Enter the sd Goods and Merchandizes in
the Bookes of the Customers of the SH Port where the Goods and Merchan-
dizes Shall First Come to, and the Kings Duty thereof to the sd Customers
contented or therefore with him agreed and afterwards that done will convey
and carry away [48] these goods or Merchandizes from thence into any other
Port within the sd Realm That then the Owner of the sd Goodes or Merchan-
dizes his Factor or Attorney Shall bring from the Customers of the Port where
the sd Goods or Merchandizes be So Entred a Certificate under the Same
Customers Seales directed to the Customers of the Port whereunto the sd
Goodes Shall be conveyed or carried making mention within the Same Cer-
tificate as well of the Naturall Colour length and Value of all Merchandizes
So Entred used to be measured with Ell or Yard as of the Naturall weight
Content or Vallue of all manner other Merchandizes Used to be weighed or
Vallued, and that the Same Certificate So made be delivered to the sd Custom-
ers before the sd Goods be discharged So that they may See whether the
Nature Colour or length value, content or weight of the Same doe agree with
the sd Certificate So that the King be not deceaved of his Customes and Sub-
sides thereof due and if any certificate from thenceforth be made by any Cus-
tomer of any Port whereto any Such Merchandize[s] or goodes Shall be First
brought and there in their bookes Entered not making mention according as
is aforest That the sa Customer or Customers for their misbehaving Shall
loose their Office and make Fine with the King for the Same at his pleasure
and further more if any Such goodes or merchandizes or any parcell thereof
be discharged unpact or put to Sale within any port then within the Same
where they Shall be First Entered before the sd Certificate Shall be delivered
and the Same goods and Merchandizes Seen according as above is Expressed
That then all the sd goods or Merchandizes be forfeited to the King our Sover-
aign Lord the one halfe thereof to remain to his Highness and the other-halfe
to him or them that Shall prove any Such goodes or Merchandizes So forfeited
as in and by the sd Statute relation thereunto being had amongst other things
more at large may appear And whereas also by one other Statute of England
made at the Parliamt held in the Twelfth year of the Reign of King Charles
the Second Intituled a Subsidie granted to the King of Tonnage and Pound-
age and other Summes of money payable upon merchandize exported and
imported which is in full Force and unrepealed amongst other things it is
therein Contain'd That if any wines, goods or other merchandizes whereof
the Subsides aforesd are or Shall be due Shall at any time after the 24th day
of June in the sd Statute mentioned be Shipt or put into any boat or Vessell
to the intent to be Carried into the parts beyond the Seas or else be brought