from the parts beyond the seas into any Port place or Creeks of this Realm or
other his Mata Dominions by way of Merchandize and unshipped to be layd
on Land, the Subsidie Customs and other Duties due or to be due for the
Same not paid or lawfully tendered to the Collector thereof or to his Depty
with the Content and Agreemt of the Comptrollor or Surveyor there, or one
of them at the least nor agreed with for the Same in the Custom house accord-
ing to [49] the true meaning of the sd Act That then from the 24'o day of
June in the Act aforesd expressed all the Same wines goodes and merchan-
dizes whatsoever Should be forfeited to his Maty the Moyety of the Rate
thereof to his s" Maty the other moyety to him or them that will Seize the
Same or sue for the Same as in and by the s" Statute of Parliamt relation there-
unto being had more at large may appear Nevertheless one Charles Carroll
late of St Maries County Gent well knowing the Statute aforesd to be in full
force and unrepealed but Slighting and contemning the Same, and minding
and malitiously contriving to deceave and defraud their Mats and the good
People of this Province of a certain Custom or Duty of 4d per Gall: on all
wines and other Strong Liquors imported into this Province to be Sold being
given and granted to their Maty for the good Use and benefit of this Province
by an Act of Assembly of this Province intituled (An Act for the Imposition
of 4d per Gallon on liquors imported into this Province) which is yet in full
Force and unrepealed as by the Same Act of Assembly relation thereunto
being had more at large may appear, He the sd Charles Carroll after the mak-
ing and publishing the sd Statutes of Parliamt and the st Act of Assembly (that
is to Say) the Twentyeth day of January in the Year of our Lord 1692 At
St Inagoes Creek in St Maries County within the sd District divers goodes and
merchandizes that is to Say Twenty Four hhds or Casks containing about
1300 galls of Strong beer then lately imported into this Province in a certain
Sloope whereof one Joshua Broadbank was Master from on Board the sd
Sloope or Vessell upon the Land and into his Warehouse did receive take a
Shore and keep without any Certificate being produced from the Customers
from whence the sd Goodes were brought to the Collector or other Customer
of the sd District or the s" goods being Seen or Veiwed by any of them and
without paying or tendering the Customes or dutyes imposed Upon the Same
to the sd Collector or his Depty or any other Customer of the sd District or
without making any Entry or Report thereof to the sd Colll or other Customer
of the sd District in Contempt and derogation of their Mats their Crown and
dignity and contrary to the Form effort and true meaning of the sd Statutes
of Parliam' and the Act of Assembly aforest whereby the sd Goodes and mer-
chandizes are become lyable to Seizure and Forfeited to their Mau the one
moyety of the Rate thereof to their Mau the other moyetie to the sd Nehe-
miah who as well etc: being the Seizor of the Same according to the directions
and appointmt of the sd Statutes, Whereupon the sd Nehemiah who as well
etc: prayeth the Advice of the Court in the prmises that the sd Goodes and