At a Court before his Exncy the Governr and his Mats Honrtle Councill for
hearing Appeals and Writs of Error etc: Met and held at the Port of Annapo-
lis the 17th day of December, in the Eigth Year of the Reign of our Soveraign
Lord King William the Third etc: Annoque Domini 1696.
Present: His Exncy Francis Nicholson Esq Capt GenH etc; The honrble Sr
Thomas Laurence Baront Secryr; Thomas Tench Esq; Coll: John Addison;
Coll: John Courts; Thomas Brooke Esq.
The following Cause was Called Vizt
Eliz: Blackiston Ex" of Coll: Blackiston decd Qui tarn agt Charles Carroll
Upon a Writ of Error.
The sd Writ of Error not appearing nor having been Filed with the Clerk
of this Court by Virtue whereof the Piutecdiugs wcie tiausnutted, the Dcf*
is never-theless willing that the Cause Should go on and the Reasons Argued
and the Judgmt thereon to Stand as Effectuall as if the sd Writ had actually
been filed.
Then Read the Proceedings as follows, Vizt
[47] At a Speciall Court of Oyer and Terminer begun and held at the City
of St Maries the Twelfth day of January in the Fourth Year of the Reign of
our Soveraign Lord and Lady King William and Queen Mary etc: "Annoque
Domini 1692 by Virtue of their Mat' Royall Comission bearing date the
Fourth day of the sd January under their great Seal of this their Province
of Maryland to Mr Thomas Greenfield Capt John Bigger, Capt James Keech,
Richard Clouds, and Philip Briscofe] Gent, or any three or more of them
directed, and From the sd Twelfth day of January by Severall adjourmt" con-
tinued to the Sixteenth day of February following and from thence, from
day to day to the i8th day of the Same month when appeared of the Justices
aforenamed and Sat in Court, Vizt
Cap'John Bigger; Capt James Keech; Richard Clouds; Phillip Briscoe, Gent.
Justices, prsent.
At the Same day Came Nehemiah Blackiston Esq their Mats Collector
for Potomack District by George Plater Esq his Attorney and Exhibited to
the Court here this following information Vizt
MARYLAND: ss To the Honrd their Mats Justices of the Especiall Court
of Oyer and Terminor at St Maries.
Be it remembred that the 17th day of Febry in the Year of our Lord 1692
Came here into Court Nehemiah Blackiston Esq Collector of their Mats Cus-
toms for Potomock District who as well for the King and Queen as for him-
self prosecuteth and gave the Court here to understand and be informed That
whereas by a Statute of England made at a Sessions of Parliamt in the Third
Year of the Reign of King Henry the Seaventh late King of England etc: wch
is yet in full force and unrepealed and is intituled (a certificate Shall be made