Cause but Could not get their Dep08 taken dureing the Continuance of this
Md the Complt produces the Letter No 13.
Decr 2d 1718
Capt Daniel Mariartee make oath to the truth of what is above alledged
Concerning his hearing the Complt Say that the Deft would always have his
Tobo who ever went wthout theirs or words to that Effect to the best of his
Remembrance — before me.
Wm Holland
Interrogatoryes To be Administred to Wittnesses to be produced Sworne
and Examd on the part and behalf of John Gresham Centl Complt and
Thomas Bordley Gent Defendt in a Cause Depending between them in the
Court of Chancery of Maryland
Imprs i Doe you know the Partyes Pltff and Deft how long have you
known them or either of them
Item 2 Do yo know in what year the Complt became Sheriff of
Ann Arundell County after Major Josiah Wilson was Suprseded from
further Executeing the Said office and how many years thereafter the
Complt Continued therein declare your Cause of knowledge hearsay or
Item 3 Doe yo know wl price publick Tobo or dues bore in the years
1708: 1709: 1710: 1711: 1712 and 1713.
[420] It 4 Doe yo know have yo heard or do yo beleive when and in wt year
the Comp" John Gresham Gave the first bond for the Due Execution of the
Sherr8 office on hi [s] entring theron after Major Josiah Wilson was Super-
seded Declare your Cause of Knowledge hearsay and beleif.
It 5 Doe yo know in wt year of our Lord and in wt month the said
Complt8 Last Sheriffalty ended, or when Capt Thos Gassaway Succeeded him
in the Sd office
It 6 Doe yo know or have yo heard at wt time the Deft did put in Suit
the bond given by the Complt for Executeing the Sherrs office and wl is the
Date of the Sd Bond and do yo know or have yo heard by whose order or
Licence the Sd bond was put in Suit and in wl month and year His Excy John
Hart Esqr arrived in Maryland and produce his Commission as Gor declare
your Cause of knowledge hearsay and beleif
It 7 Doe yo know or have yo hear'd that the Complt did at the Defu
Request or otherwise in the year 1711 and in what part of the Said year de-
liver to him or to Some other for his use, a List of Large Quantityes of Tobo
due to the Complt from some of the Responsible Inhabitants abt Herring
Creek in Ann Arundell County wth a power to him to receive the Same or
so much Thereof as would Suffice to Discharge his Claime from the Complt
how much did the Sd List amount unto when was the Said Dd back by the
Deft to the Complt wt were the persons names in the Sd List Mentioned and