answered that he wou'd willingly Accomodite Sa Matter and Sa Since he the
Said Complt had Offered 5o£ he would abate 5o£ of his demand, it being
!5o£ w<!h the Said Complt refus'd And the Said Dept further Saith that he
beleives the Letters Markt No 4 are true Copys of the Originall thereof. And
further Saith not
Charles Carroll Esqr being Sworne at the reqt of the Deft) Saith that
at the time Mr Saml Chambers was on his Examination being askt the Ques-
tion wl the Complt owned upon the Said Examination Saith that According
to his Consception the Complt did owne that at the time [418] Mentioned
in the Said Depo he told him Mr Brice he wou'd pay no tobo in those parishes
before the Note drawn by Mr Wooten payable to Jones and Chambers
Should be paid and further Saith not.
Mr Benjamin Welsh being one of the people Called Quakers Solemnly
declares in the presence of Almighty God that in the year 1711 he owed for
Sheriffs dues 731"" tobo and that the Deft nor any other by his order to the
best of this Depts knowledge ever Demanded the Same of him and that if he
or they had demanded it and at a time that his Tobo had not been Dispos'd
of he this Dept would have Complyed or Given an Obliga for the Same.
And be askt by the Deft whether he wou'd pay Such part as was due for the
40 per poll Saith he Should not make any Scruple to pay it wthou[t] Execu-
tion, And does not Remember that the Complt or any by his Order required
him to Get any Tobo ready for the Deft And further Saith not
Vachel Denton being Sworne (on the part of the Deft) Saith That to
the best of his knowledge the writ Sued out on the Sherrs bond against the
Complt and his Suretie Issued Febry the 4th 1714 Returnable to Aprill Court
1715 and that the Same Continued untill Sept Court 1716 At wch Court fur-
ther time was given to the Complt to file his Rejoyndr by the 25th of NoV
following, And for Default of the Complts rejoyning to the Defts Replication
by that time a Judgmt was given agt the Complt for the Penalty of Said bond
as of the Said Sept Court, And that And that [sic] the Dept knows the Secre-
tarys fees on the Said Action was Charged to the Deft, and beleives the Sherr"
fees were Charg'd to the Same Defendant.
Memd the Deft produces the Acct No G as the Acct Shew'd by him the
Complt for the foundation of his Claim out of his Sheriffs bond.
Ma Alledged by the Defendt that Mrs Price being sick [419] Could not
be heard at this time to be Examd Therefore its agreed by the Complt that
She be Examd at some other time.
Md the Defendt further alledges that Capt Danl Mariartee heard the
Complt Say at the time of the Execution of this Comn that the Deft wou'd
always have his Tobo who Ever went wthout theirs but the Said Daniel
Mariartees Dep" to the truth thereof Could not be taken there being no
other Commissioner present but one Save himself. Md the Complt alledges
that Colo Edward Lloyd and Colo Young are Evidences for him in this