wt have yo heard to be the Reasons the Deft did not receive the Same or
most thereof Declare your knowledge hearsay and beleif.
It 8 What do yo know have yo heard or do yo beleive of the Complt and
Defendt having Setled AcctB Together of Tobo reed by the Complt or Comit-
ted to his Care as Sherr by the Deft in the Years aforesd or wt yo know heard or
beleive prevented their Settling Accounts and the Complts not paying of the
Ball did you go at any and wt time and in What Month and year between the
Said Partys wth Messages Relating to Such Accts what was the Substance of
the Messages or any of them from the Defendt to the Complt And what an-
swer had you from the Complt to all or any the Said Messages, Declare your
knowledge hearsay and beleif.
It 9 What do yo know have you heard or doe yo beleive that there was
any and wt Difference or Dispute between the Complt and Defendt [421]
About any Articles in their Accts what was the Substance of these Disputed
articles, were there any and wt proposalls made and at what time or times and
by whome, of Submitting the Same to the Judgment of any and what person
or persons and who failed and refused So to doe, or how Came the Said
proposalls to break of declare your knowledge hearsay and beleif, touching
the premises wth the cause thereof.
Item ioth Doe yo know have yo heard or doe yo beleive that the CompltB
offer'd the Deft any and wt money whether Current or Sterling and when for
all or any the Defendts Claime in Tobo agt him and how much pr hundred,
did you See the Money tendred declare your knowledge hearsay and beleif.
Item 11 Doe yo know or have yo heard the Complt lodged Creditt in
Capt Gassaway's hands for the Deft for any and wl Sume and at wt time.
Item 12 Doe yo know or have yo heard that the Complt on Mr Gassa-
way's going out of his office did Lodge Creditt for any and wl Sume or Sumes
of Tobo in the hands of Mr Reynolds the Succeeding Sheriff and wt was the
Reason the Defendt did not make Use thereof
Item 13 Doe yo know, or have you heard any agreemt made between
the Complt and Defendt abt the Defts list of Debts and Fees, what is the Sub-
stance of such agreemt and when made.
Item 14 Doe yo know any other Matter or thing not before by you De-
clared relating to the Controversy between the Said partyes, and that may be
of Use to the Complt.
The Reverend Mr Henderson
Mr Vernon ...............
Mr Worman ...............
Mr Reynolds ..............
Samuel Young Esqr ........
Edward Lloyd Esqr ........
Wm Bladen Esqr ..........