Mr William Nicholson being Sworne (on the part of the Defendt) Saith
that about the year 1711 the Defendt drew an order upon the Complt to pay
the Dept 1800lb Tobo that the Dept Sent his Receiver Edward Burges for to
get sd Tobo of the Said Complt, who told this dept he had markt 2 hhd8 at the
house of the Wido Hammond on Acct of the Said Order, And the Said Burges
told him this Dept Soon after that the Said Sherriff had retaken the Said
Tobo and Scratcht out the Mark And this Dept further Saith that the greatest
part of the said Tobo was not paid that year, that to the best of his this De-
ponants knowledge he did his Endeavour to Gett Said Tobo but Could not,
and that he Endeavour'd to get the Same in Tobo Season And being further
askt whether the Defendant had not often Communication wth him this
Dept about Selling him this Defendt tobo in the Sheriffs hands and whether
he has not often Refus'd to allow him so much for Tobo in the Said Complts
hands as he would for Tobo in Other peoples hands Saith he beleives the
Deft has often had Communication wth him abl Selling Tobo in the Complts
hands and that he this Dept was not desirous to purchase any Tobo in the
Comp!ts hands for that he found a great deal of Trouble in receiving thereof
and that he this Dept has often Refused to allow him so much for Tobo in
the Complts hands as he would for Tobo in other Sherriffs hands of this
County. And this Dept further Saith that he makes a difference between
publick and planters tobo preferring always the planters tobo. And the Dep*
further Saith that he has often offer'd to allow the Deft mor[e] for Tobo in
hhd8 if he the Defendt wou'd Shew it him then for an order for Tobo in the
Sheriffs hands. And the Said Deponant being further Askt by the Complt
by whose order the Said Edwd Burges as his receiver markt the two hhds as
afd saith that he Desired the Said Burges to receive his Tobo from the Said
Sheriff but does not know that the Sheriff gave him any particular Order to
mark the Said 2 hhds And further Saith not
[417] Mr Thomas Gassaway being Sworne (on the Part of the Defendt) on
the holy Evangelists Saith That he heard Mr Samuel Chambers this day and
dureing the Execution of the Commission in this Cause Say that Mr Brice
Said Some time after he had bought a note for Tobo of Said Chambers and
Capt Jones that the Complt wou'd not pay him any Tobo untill the Said
Note was Satisfy'd And the Said Complt being by, Said he own'd it. And the
Dept being askt if ever he hear'd the Defendt make the Complt any offers in
relation to the Controversy betwixt them, Saith that he this Dept was by and
hear'd the Defendt tell the Complt if he would give him one hundred pounds
he would put an End to the Same but whether Sterl or Currency he Cant
remember, And after Such Refusall made the Deft told the Complt that it
would not be lesse then \$£ would Excuse him. Since he had refus'd his
offer And this Dept further Saith that he hapening to be at the Gov™ the
Complt and Deft were both there where there was some orders made to Ac-
comodite the Said Matter that the Complt offer'd the Deft 50^ and the Deft