per hundred but whether Sterling or Currency he Cant remember and being
askt what he loakt upon to be the height of Tobo time that year Saith about
May or June And being further askt if he remembers that Mr Brice refus'd
to Accept of any Tobo that the Complts offer'd him on Acct of Said Note
Saith no And this Dept further Saith that he attended Said Brice in his Store
and reed Tobo for him that year And this Dept being Askt by the Compl'
whether lic remembers if M* Brice did not Decline receiving Tobo at Such
time as the [415] Coleman Friggott did not take in all the Tobo Saith that he
Cannott Charge his Memory therewth, And further Saith that the Said Ship
Coleman Friggott did not take in all the Tobo purchased by Said Brice to-
wards her Loading that year And that he beleives the Said Ship Sailed that
year about July and being askt by the Complt whether he was as asidious in
receiving tobo purchased by Bills of Excha for that Laid out in the Store
Saith he Cannott remember whether he was or no. And being Askt by the
Deft whether he knew of any other Tobo bought by Mr Brice that year —
Saith he remembers Mr Brice bought abl 19000*" Tobo of Capt Richd Jones
and Samll Chambers abl the Same time towards Loading Sd Ship for wcn he
gave them io8 Ster and Nine pence Currt money per hundred And further
Saith not.
Mr Samuel Chambers being Sworne (on the part of the Deft) To true
answer make to all Such Questions as Should be askt him by Complt or De-
fendant and being askt what he remembers of Mr Brice's Purchaseing of
Tobo of Capt Richard Jones and him this Dep. and the Discourse that Hap-
pened between them Saith that he remembers Said Brice purchased of him
this Dept and Capt Jones about igooo1 tobacco wch they had purchased of
Mr Wooton rector of St Ann's Parish and the Dept beleives Said Sume was
due to Sd Wooton for the 40 per pooll as Minister of Said parish for wch he
paid them ios Sterling and Nine pence Currt Money per hundred and after
the purchase thereof in the Same day Said Brice Sd that he was oblig'd to
purchase of them because having Tobo in the Sheriffs hands he Could not
get his paid in Said Parish untill the Tobo Sold by Said Dept and Capt Jones
was reed And that he beleives the Said Brices reason for purchaseing Said
Tobo was because it was Convenient for him in Said Parish And the Dep4
further Saith that in the fall following after the purchase of Said Tobo Mr
Brice Said he was very Sorry he purchased Said tobo of them for that he was
looser One hundred pounds on Acct Said Bargain. And this Dept further
Saith that about Febry or March 1709 Capt Jones Told this Dept he had been
at the Complts and the Said Complt had promis'd him if they bought the
Tobo of Wooton he wou'd pay it Convenient in the parish but Says he never
had any order [416] from the Complt for the payment thereof, and further
Said that the Complt told him that he the Said Complt had ordered Thomas
Reynolds his undersherr to gett the Said Tobo ready for their Receiving wch
time he beleives to be before the Arrivall of the Coleman Friggott.