Mr Thomas Wells being first Sworne on the holy Evangilists of'Al-
mighty God (on part of the Defendt) to true answer make to all Such Ques-
tions as Should be Askt him by the Defendt or Complt in Relation to this
Cause on the part of the Defendant: Saith that he haveing past his bond:
Joyntly wth one Henry Robinson to the Complt for 7264lb tobo penalty in the
year 1707 and in order to Comply wth Said Debt Came up to Annapolis in
Febry 1714 and went to the Defend'3 to buy Such a Qty of Tobo from him in
order to Discharge Said Debt and this Dept and the Deft being in discourse
about it the Said Defendant Said he would give him this Dept an order that
would be accepted and accordly Gave him an order for the Sume of 2450*o
tobo on Mr Thomas Gassaway, wch order this Dept Carried to the Complt in
Order to have it Excepted toward discharge of the Debt afd and Askt the Said
Complt if that wou'd do who for some reasons (wch the [414] Dept does not
Remember) refus'd to accept it and thereupon this Dept askt the Complt if
an order on himself wou'd be Satisfaction to him So farr as to Deliver the
Dept up his bonds wch he Seem'd to make a Scruple of and Said that an order
upon the New Sheriff being Thomas Reynolds wou'd do whereupon he this
Dept went to the Defendts and Got an order on the Said Reynolds for Sa
Summe and delivered it to the Complt upon wcn he had his bond Delivered
up to him. And being Askt by the Complt at what time the principall
Summe Mentioned in the bond afd was to be paid Saith on the 20th day of
Septr 1713 and what Quality the Said Tobo was to be of Saith Good Sound
bright Merchantable Leaf Tobo and Cask to Contain the Same Convenient
in Ann Arundell County and whether he did not promise to pay Said Tobo
on his this Deponants plant" Saith that he Said if the Complt wou'd take one
half of Said Tobo the first year and the Other half the next year he wou'd.
And being Askt if he remembers that the Sume mentioned in List here pro-
duced was ever demanded of him he Saith he does not know that ever
it was. And being further Askt by the Deft if the note given him this
Dep* on Mr Thos Reynolds mentioned Such Tobo as the afd bond does
Saith it did not for that it was a note for Generall Tobo. And further Saith
Mr Thomas Worthington being Sworne on the holy Evangelists (on
the part of the Deft) to true answer make to all Such Questions as shall be
Askt by Complt or Defendt, and being askt by the Deft whether he knows
that Mr Brice in the year 1709 bought any Tobo of the Said Defendant Saith
Yes and that he beleives the receipt wrote upon the back of the Note pro-
duced No A is the proper hand Writeing of the Said John Brice, and being
further Askt whether he Remembers what the Said Brice Gave the Defendt
for Said Tobo Saith That he remembers the agreemt was to Give ios per
hundred bills of Excha for what he reed, And this Dept further Saith he re-
members the Said Brice bought two hhds of Tobo of the Deft in the hands of
Francis Hardisty about the Same time; for wch he gave the Defendant 11"