those persons that Should Deside the Difference but Said if the Defendant
wou'd name one man he wou'd Joyne Coto Tilghman (as being Skillfull in
Sheriffs Accts) to him that thereupon the Dept waited on the Defendt and
Intreated him to Agree to a referrence of the Dispute between him and the
Complainant to Colo Holland (as near as he can Remember) and to Colo
Tilghman, that the Deft Seemd to be apprehensive that Colo Tilghman had
been talk'd to by the Complt in Relation to the Difference and that he
thought him to be too Great a favourer of the Complainants but at last prom-
ised at the next Assembly then Comeing on to Submit all disputes between
him and the Complt to Coto Holland (or Colo Young) and Coto Tilghman,
if in the mean time the Said Complainant would Execute a bond the Deft
had devised for the Paymt of the Debt and Cost recovered by Mr Beard
against Mr Gassaway in Spice or in Money at Some price wch he does not
know or remembe[r] That thereupon the Said Complainant Executed the
Said Bond to wch the Dept is the only Subscribing Evidence wch he this Dept
on the Day of the Date hereof or there abouts Delivered to the Said Defendt,
that Some time that Same Summer to the best of this Depts Memory the
Complt an[d] Defendant met at this DeptB house, where they talkt of their
Disputes and referring the Same, and that the Defendt Utterly Refus'd the
referrence thereof to Colo Holland (or Coto Young) and Coto Tilghman
wthout the Complts paying Down the Costs Expended on Sueing the Sheriffs
bond wch the Complt Refused to Comply with Saying it was Very hard he
Should pay Cost if he was not in wrong. And the Said Depont further Saith
on behalf of the Defendant that the Defendant to the best of his remem-
brance at this Depts house [413] Offer'd the Complt to make a finall End of
their Disputes, provided the Said Complt would give him this Defendant ten
Shill Sterling by bills of Excha for the batta that he the Said Complt allow'd
to be the balla but the Complt then Said that he had Tobo Enough to Sat-
isfye all his Debts and that he would not draw his bills for so great a Sume
And further this Deponant Saith that the Defendt on the Day of rendering
this Dept did Shew him this Dept the bond afd wch bares date to the best of
his Memory May the 5th 1715 but that this Dept has not then nor hitherto
Examd into the Contents of the Condition And that this Dept further Saith
that to the best of his knowledge and Memory he Deliver'd the Deft on or
about the Said 5th day of May 1715 a letter from under the Complts hand
whereof the paper now produced to him at the time of his Examination and
rendering his Depo to these Inter and Markt No 10 he beleives to be a Copy
or Very like it in Substance but referrs to the Originall which he beleives to
be in the Defts hands and further this Deponant declares that being Ac-
quainted wth the Defts hand writeing he beleives the Letters No 11 and 12
dated may the 4: 1715 and May the 5th 1715 and produced to him by the
Complt at the time of his Examination are Subscribed by the Said Defendant