ster pariches untill the 40 per pooll was Satisfyed wch he Said he was oblig'd
to do According to Law. And further Saith that he does not know of any
other Notes that the Said Complt fell Short in paying off (save the Defts) to
the Said Brice that year, that he this [411] Deponant has told the Complt
that he has often hear'd the Deft Complain that the Complt always preferr'd
his better friends in payment before him the Said Defendant, but this De-
ponant Saith that he knows nothing of any Such preferance made by the
Complt, Save wt is before Declared That the Depont beleives the Acct and
Letters N08 B.B.B and here prduced is the hand writeing of the Complt,
And the Dept further Saith that to the best of his Remembrance Richd Kelk
Runaway Sometime in the year 1710 being arrested by the Deponant as
under Sheriff at the Suit of Thos Andrewes and Sundry others, and that he
beleives Richd Kelk Mentioned in the List No 9 is the Same Rd Kelk in the
List of the Defendts Clerks fees, And this Deponant being askt by the De-
fendt whether he remember Wm Taylard was allowed in the Complts Hands
in the year 1708 any Sume of Tobo Saith he does not Remember but for
better Certainty Referrs himself to the Publick and County Levy Lists, that
the Dept beleives Richad Kelk liv'd in Annapo about 3 or 4 Years before he
runaway, But the Complt and Defendant Referring the Insolvancies and
and [sic] denyed Debts in the Said List No 9 to the Consideration of the
Chancery Court the Dept is not further Examined in Relation thereto. The
Dept further Saith that he does not know of any Tobo tender'd by the Complt
to the Defendt between the 25th of Novr and the last day of March in any one
year and further Saith not.
The Deposition of Thomas Macnemara Esqr (on the part of the
Complt) being Sworn on the holy Evangelists to the 8th and 9th Inter Saith
That Some time in Aprill or the beginning of May 1715 (being after a
Judgmt Recovered by Mr John Beard agt Mr Thomas Gassaway) the Complt
being Indispos'd and understanding that the Said Deft intended to Sue out
Execution on the Said Judgmt agt Mr Gassaway (to prevent the Superseed-
ing thereof after the tenth of May) Sent to this Dept [412] to treat wth the
Defendt about the Said Judgmt and their Accts in Generall And that this De-
ponant haveing Instructions from the Complainant to that purpose told the
Defendant that he the Complt must preferr a bill in Chanry agt the Defendt
in Order to oblige him to Settle Accts unlesse the Deft would agree to referr
their Disputes to Some Indifferent Men, and that he would in that bill pray
relief agt that Judgment of Mr Beards, that the Defendant thereupon Sayd
he always was ready So to doe and that persons were jilrearly agreed upon by
the Complainant and Defendt Namely Colo Holland and Colo Young that
this Deponant to the best of his remembrance Return'd to the Complt and
Acquainted him of what the Defendt Said that the Complt thereupon Said
that he thought it Very hard that the Deft Should have the Nomanation of